(35) The “Volcano” Fusion Device

1 year ago

[Chapter 35: The “Volcano” Fusion Device]

The “Volcano” fusion device is a lot simpler than you might expect. It utilizes muon catalyzed fusion to heat up water. Muons are like electrons with extra mass. When you replace the electrons in hydrogen atoms with muons, the protons have a higher probability of getting closer together and fusing into helium atoms. It is really not that complicated. When the hydrogen atoms fuse into helium atoms, they release energy, which heats up water to power a steam engine or steam generator. The “Volcano” fusion device is a “clean” form of energy unlike fission nuclear power. The major problem with a fission nuclear power plant is it releases neutrons, which make whatever they hit turn radioactive. The radioactive material can then leak into an underground stream after an earthquake and end up in the ocean. Once enough radioactive material ends up in the ocean, it starts killing the entire ocean starting with the most susceptible creatures. It creates a cascading effect like if the Hoover dam were destroyed, it would cause all the other dams downstream to be destroyed (#illuminatiendgame). The Hoover dam is crawling with freemasonry connections almost as if it were intended to be used for a political maneuver to bring order out of chaos. The government won’t let you know this is happening because they don’t want you to panic. Einstein said that fission nuclear power was a “hell” of a way to boil water. Fusion power generator doesn’t have the same problem because it doesn’t release neutrons like the fission power generator. A good rule of thumb is that Iron is the element with the “least energy”. You get energy from fusion by joining the nuclei of elements with fewer protons than iron. You get energy from fission by splitting the nucleus of an element with more protons than iron. That is why the core of every star is iron. Supernovas are what usually produce elements with more protons than iron. Now you might be thinking that muon catalyzed fusion would already be in widespread use for many decades before the Victor’s arrival if it were actually feasible. The oil companies targeted and killed all the scientists who successfully developed muon catalyzed fusion. The oil companies didn’t want the competition because they would lose billions of dollars. Essentially, creating a product that competes with a billion dollar industry is a death sentence. It was only when the oil started running out that the oil companies started hiring scientists rather than killing them to shift its business model from oil to fusion power generation.

Muon catalyzed fusion is really easy, but the only trick is procuring the muons using less energy than is harvested from the reaction. One of the earlier attempts involved using muons that were naturally produced in the atmosphere. This was good for an experiment, but couldn’t produce enough energy on a large scale. In these earlier attempts, they combined wind energy with fusion technology. Apparently there are strong winds up in the atmosphere which can be harvested using blimps with turbines. These were called fusion blimps. The blimps contained hydrogen and utilized muons produced in the atmosphere to covert the hydrogen to helium. The blimps also would spend some of the time at the correct altitude to get strong winds to power itself through wind energy. The problem with the fusion blimps was that hydrogen is explosive making it dangerous, which is why hydrogen blimps weren’t used much after the Hindenburg incident. Temporal reception made producing muons infinitely more cost effective. There was a specific reaction that had a very low probability of occurring to produce a muon. However, temporal reception allowed for a feedback loop to be created where the particles were to be fired at varying energies and angles until the correct configuration was found “on the first try” to yield a muon as one of the products of the reaction. The temporal reception feedback loop allowed for reactions that had a very low probability of occurring to occur on the “first try” every time. A similar method similar involving a temporal reception feedback loop was used to clean up radioactive material to become nonradioactive. There was a way of stimulating radioactive material to decay into nonradioactive substances on the “first try” every time using a temporal feedback loop. This method was useful in producing extremely non-radioactive materials used for Geiger counters. The problem was the governments didn’t want to disclose their temporal reception technology to the public, so they let the oceans die from radiation leaking out of fission nuclear power plants after major earthquakes. After the Victor arrived, there was a renovation project that restored the earth and cleansed it of radioactive material. The “Volcano” fusion device, which utilized muon catalyzed fusion was used to heat the water in my Estate during the Millennial Kingdom.

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