How I caught a "Bad Actor" Finale

1 year ago

IN this video I really let Bvcket have it as he keeps doing clown stuff and I had been talking to him for over an hour. No respect for himself or others. After he admits that he is getting paid to troll and then says that he doesn't condone my torture but if it keeps society together its a good thing. Bvcket knows about the targeted individual torture program, why else would he say that?

ree Consultations Available: contact me at or find me on twitter @andressandino3

Onionhead Andrew has been targeted for illegal neuroweapon experimentation and torture for the last nine years. In the last three years he has survived more than thirty attempts on his life. He traveled the Americas looking for freedom from the NSA/FBI kill torture program and found that every government was complicit in the New World Order. Nation States are veils meant for the peasants. Wars are fake. Corporations are satanic family's domains and the military are their supply of warm bodies. Now the Black Nobility/ New Aristocracy wish to drop the illusions but first they must kill 13/14 people. Agenda 2030. They are poisoning the food, air and water with heavy metals and using Directed Energy Weapons such as millimeter wave to vibrate the heavy metal particulate trapped in peoples bodies. We are in a world changing event. Onionhead Andrew was weapons tested on for the last decade. Now he knows how to defeat it. Will you answer the call and survive or will you sleepwalk yourself and your family, community, country over the cliff of depopulation. Knowledge is power but ignorance is bliss. You decide

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