10,000 Palestinians Held Hostage by Israel While Bombing the Gaza Strip Daily!

1 year ago

Hosts & Producers of Breakthrough News, Eugene Puryear & Rania Khalek talk with guest, Amanda Yee, editor of LiberationNews.org and host of @RadioFreeAmanda.

Todays discussion, the corporate-owned media’s glaring double standard around Palestinian political prisoners.

Since October 7, Israel doubled the number of Palestinians held hostage in Israeli jails to 10,000, including 170 children.

Editor of LiberationNews.org and host of @RadioFreeAmanda, discusses the corporate-owned media’s glaring double standard around Palestinian political prisoners.

There’s almost no coverage of Israel’s extensive history of mass incarceration, repeated arrests, and abusive treatment of Palestinians in Israeli jails.

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Israeli War Crimes, Gaza Citizens Murdered, Inhumane, Netanyahu Zealots,

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