(31) My Workspace

1 year ago

[Chapter 31: My Workspace]

During the Millennial Kingdom, I had 1000 years to complete all of the work that the temporal terrorists’ postponed while I had to defend myself against them trying to destroy my life during my temporal life. The temporal terrorist risked forfeiting their eternal inheritance for temporary temporal world domination. I would say that the temporal terrorists failed the “marshmallow test”. The “marshmallow test” is where you give a small child a single marshmallow and tell them they have the choice to either eat the one marshmallow now or wait an hour, two hours, or three hours and be able to eat 2, 3, or 4 marshmallows then instead. Isaac’s firstborn son Esau failed the marshmallow test and traded his inheritance to his non-identical twin Jacob for a bowl of soup. The temporal terrorists couldn’t wait a few decades to receive all the abundant generous blessings the Creator had prepared for them if they had just chosen to clay molded into vessels of honor rather than vessels of dishonor. During the Millennial Kingdom, I got to eat my 2, 3, or 4 marshmallows.

My workspace contained a 3D printer that could print and replicate any material or object I needed with perfect precision down to the individual atoms and molecules. The 3D printer had cartages of all the different atoms. When any cartridge of a specific atom ran low, the 3D printer would take water or air molecules and fuse the nuclei of atoms together to create atoms with the correct number of protons to restock the atom cartridge. The 3D printer was an alchemist’s dream of a machine that runs on air and water and can create gold or whatever other material you wanted.

On some lab tables I set up some experiments that were didactic examples of what I was working on. These were mostly just for me to show my wife to explain things when she was curious of what I was doing. All along the wall of my work station I had models of different molecules I was interested in. The models contained charged spheres completely covered in a perfect insulator so that the charged spheres never lost their charge. The charged positive and negative spheres were made to be the same mass to charge ratio of a proton and an electron. There were also neutral spheres with the corresponding mass ratio of the neutron to the proton. The “neutrons” and “protons” in the model were held together using a fluid of nanotechnology that simulated the strong force. The “electrons” were held using another fluid of nanotechnology that simulated the electron cloud. The advantage of these models is that they behaved exactly like how atoms and molecules interacted on the atomic scale, so you could see chemical reactions simulated right in front of you in real time using the models. The models also helped to give an intuitive feel to how chemical reactions operate. They were perfect for both didactic purposes along with practical uses for the research and design of molecules. However they were mostly kept along the wall as a novelty or display. Most of my research and design was done in a virtual reality simulated environment where I could cut copy and paste different templates to design technology starting from the atomic scale and building up to the macroscopic scale.

I had already finished learning all about the temporal human body. The Creator had provided me all the blueprints for all the chemical reactions he used to design the molecules used in living cells and create the temporal human body. It was amazing how the Creator was able to create the temporal human body using common materials that cost less than $100 of 20thcentury United States currency (before they stopped backing their money with precious metals). I found it amusing that I could now 3D print a 7000 carat diamond or pure gold out of water, so all the temporal money was like monopoly money. Monopoly money is only valuable while the game is still playing. Once someone wins the game of monopoly and controls everything, the monopoly money is worthless. The Creator was very resourceful and able to take these common materials and turn them into self-replicating computerized factories. The details of every cell were very complicated. They were all like a factory; they even had little molecules that acted like garbage collector robots to take out the trash from the self-replicating computerized factory of the living cell. By the time I had completely mastered understanding everything about the temporal human body, I was utterly amazed at the Creator. I was also amazed at how incredibly moronic the people who believed in abiogenesis and macroscopic evolution were. Only a complete moron or a lunatic would believe that these incredibly complex self-replicating computerized factories of the living cell designed themselves through random natural processes. Only a complete moron or lunatic would believe that the layers and layers of complexity involving integrated designs of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems were the result of natural selection. Natural selection could only maintain and optimize the designs that were already present. It is one thing to maintain and optimize a bridge that already exists. It is another thing to build a new bridge over a large gap. Natural selection could only maintain and optimize the designs the Creator already made. Natural selection could not leap across the gaps to create new complex integrated designs. The chasm of the gaps was far too wide for a complex integrated system to design itself while the system wasn’t even operational so natural selection couldn’t help design a system until after it was operational. The Biology teachers who taught abiogenesis and macroscopic evolution were complete morons or lunatics, but they refused to see the truth because their income depended on them suppressing the truth. Most of those Biology teachers who taught abiogenists and macroscopic evolution are now in hell about to be thrown into in the lake of fire contemplating if their income they received as a bribe for suppressing the truth was worth an eternity of extra torment.

The temporal human body was a chemistry based system of self-replicating computerized factory of living cells. I knew I would have to master the temporal human body before I try to design any sentient creature myself. I was currently in the process of studying the eternal human body the Creator had designed for human beings to replace our temporal human bodies. The eternal human bodies were far more complex than the temporal human bodies. With the temporal human bodies all of the energy was contained in chemical bonds. In the eternal human bodies the energy is contained in processes involving fusion, fission, antiparticles, and weird quantum and time travel effects. The eternal bodies could materialize atoms to interact with matter in the natural universe at will, but they also contained a supernatural component that could phase its atoms in and out of our universe to pass through normal matter without interacting with it. The supernatural component of the eternal bodies could warp space-time to travel at any speed or even create wormholes to reach any location in space-time. I started learning about the eternal human bodies with the thinking that I would give suggestions to the Creator on how to improve them. I quickly realized the reason the Creator gave me the blueprints for them was for me to marvel at how I could never create anything better than it in a billion years.

The most incomprehensible thing about the Creator’s designs for the eternal human body is that they were comprehensible. They were incredibly complicated yet somehow incorporated incredibly simple concepts that utilized redundant building block designs that are altered slightly so that they can perform multiple different functions. The genius of the Creator is that He created everything complex enough to fulfill its purpose but simple enough so that we could understand how it works to fulfill that purpose. There is comfort in your technology being simple enough that you are capable of knowing how your technology works. There is a sort of efficiency, creativity, and resourcefulness the Creator used to make things as simple as possible yet just complex enough to accomplish everything the Creator purposed for it. I was trying to fully understand the Creator’s methods so that I could incorporate His genius to reverse engineer a civilization of sentient beings of my own design. I would naturally require the Creator’s permission and have to give Him credit for creating them as a “Grandfather” or “Saba”. I sometimes wonder if the word “Sabbath” resembles the word “Saba” in it because the Creator is going to act as a “Grandfather” while he rests and lets His creation design and create new things.

The two fundamental principles the Creator has implemented in his laws for the design of sentient beings is (1) “they must love their Creator” and (2) “they must love their neighbor as themselves”. These two fundamental operation principles seem to be essential for designing something that grows and thrives. If a sentient being rebels against its Creator, it must be quarantined or neutralized. Therefore a sentient being must be subservient the will of its Creator. If a sentient being acts like a parasite, it will destroy all the other sentient beings the Creator has created. Therefore a sentient being must have a symbiotic relationship with all the other sentient beings the Creator has created. Without these two fundamental principles, all of the Creator’s creation would self-destruct and not be able to grow and flourish. With these two fundamental principles, the Creator has planted a seed that can grow into a giant tree of branching generations of sentient beings all indirectly created by the Creator as the ultimate “Grandfather”. I wonder if the Creator designed humanity to reproduce over many generations like a family tree to symbolize how sentient beings would design and create other sentient beings in a similar manner like a giant tree of branching generations.

I was also in the process of using my virtual reality simulated workspace to design a computer that ran using molecular gears. I wanted my computer design to be impervious to an Electromagnetic pulse. The display for the computer had pixels made of hexagonal gears with white, grey, black, red, blue, and green colors on the different sides of it. The pixel gear would rotate to display the desired color. When there was a surface covered with these pixels, they could be used to create an image. This computer that ran on molecular gears was just for fun as a hobby. There were obviously much more powerful computers, but I wanted to design this one as a nostalgic novelty. Once I had completed my design, I was also going to see if I could modify the design to create a self-replicating computer that would “give birth” to other computers. In this way the computers could be grown like a pet or cattle.

There is also a sort of comfort in using a computer that you designed and built yourself. You don’t have to worry about any backdoors built into it by whoever designed it. You also don’t have to worry about any glitches caused by hastily designed systems. When some people design a computer they just patch all of their glitches and hope the whole thing holds together. If you can design a computer from the ground up yourself, you have the comfort in knowing that it was designed free of any defects or glitches in the first place.

I was in the process of designing a type of “irrigation system” for me Electromagnetic pulse resistant novelty nostalgic computer that would utilize streams of liquid in a hydraulic system to turn some of the gears like a watermill that functioned similar to transformers for an electrical system, when I heard a doorbell sound inside the virtual reality simulation. A window screen suddenly appeared with a video showing me my wife who said, “It’s feeding time. Exit your virtual environment, come out of your workspace, change your clothes, and wash your hands.” Feeding time was my wife’s funny way of saying that it was dinner time. I responded, “Affirmative. Acknowledged.” That was my funny way of saying that I was going to do as she instructed me to and that I heard her. I said “Eject Protocol”. I hear several click sounds as the safety latches released themselves. I then removed the virtual reality headset and unstrapped myself from the gyroscope looking apparatus that I was connected to. I walked to the exit of my workspace. I opened the door and took in a big whiff of something that smelled like rice crispy treats and something else that smelled like the most delicious…

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