1 year ago

Acts of Remembrance are a solemn part of Britain's Heritage, Culture and Customs. They should and must be respected by all who reside within our borders. The freedom that people enjoy in Britain today, including the freedom to express theirs views as has been the case in our capital city, London, over recent weeks arises from the service, self-sacrifice and great endeavours of those who went before us. Therefore, there is an absolute case for all who attend the streets of London, our other cities, towns and villages to show respect and reverence.

The people of the British Isles, guided by a Divine Hand, have remained Free for centuries,. Yet in 2023, it appears that an invasion of beliefs and lifestyles that are opposed to Britain's Heritage, Culture and Customs has taken place.

It is the duty of all Free British People to make their voices heard, lawfully and peacefully, to signal to those responsible that our borders must be secured and appropriate action taken to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the Nation and the preservation of our Heritage, Culture and Customs.

Remembrance of our fallen brothers and sisters, whether from Britain, Ceylon (Sri Lanka) the land of my birth; anywhere else in the Commonwealth of Nations; America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Russia is of immense importance to us as The British People.
It is unconscionable that those to whom we have entrusted leadership in our Parliament, in the policing system, the London mayor, Scotland’s first minister and others should not see with absolute clarity the need to prevent the desecration of this vital national institution.

It is further evidence that our systems of governance are irreparably and irretrievably broken, and that the consciences of those operating within these are deadened.

Britain has been home for centuries to those who may, or claim to, be oppressed in their native land. However, the basis on which they enter is that they become contributing members of our communities; integration is a natural and reasonable expectation.

The multicultural experiment has failed; the monetary cost to the taxpayer is incalculable. The cost to our generally accepting, non-confrontational, freedom-valuing way of life cannot begin to be computed.

We are at the brink of collapse as a nation.

It is our hope, prayer and anticipation that, by the end of 2024, the entire Parliamentary system will have been cleansed and Britons who are passionate about maintaining our freedoms, culture, customs, way of life and British heritage, take their seats as the new leaders in the land.

Let’s be The Change WE want to see.
Let’s Change Britain For Good.

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