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Prophet Julie Green - Live with Julie - A Great Finale is Coming - Captions
In this prophetic message, the Lord is assuring his children that a great finale is coming, one that their enemies will not see coming. He encourages his children to get into his word and study who he is, as he has miracles, signs, and wonders in store for them. The Lord promises to give them a boldness they have never felt before, a boldness to speak his word, stand on his word, and resist their enemies. He assures them that this is a time of jubilee, where they will see their enemies flee and experience great victory. While some may be brought to their knees in prayer and thanksgiving, others will experience confusion and fear. The Lord emphasizes that he is doing things on a scale that he has never done before and that truth will prevail over lies.
The Lord reminds his children not to let their hearts be troubled or agitated, but to trust and rely on him. He assures them that he is the way, the truth, and the life, and that no one comes to the Father except through him. The Lord encourages his children to arise from depression and prostration and to shine with the glory of the Lord, even in the midst of darkness. He acknowledges that darkness will cover the earth, but his glory will be seen upon his people. The Lord urges his children to resist the enemy and to decree God’s words with boldness, as something big is coming and exposures will occur. He reminds them to stand firm, resist, and shout their enemies' defeat, for he has much in store for them and is bringing about a great deliverance.
Video Transcript:
good morning everybody today is Tuesday October 31st of 2023 and I want to thank you once again for joining today's live show and I just want to say this is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it so again no matter what is going on in the world today we have to let our enemies know that we are not afraid that we are not going to back off that we do not quit qu that we do not give in and that we are not going to submit to their Authority we will not submit to their power we will not submit to their control we will not submit to anything that they're doing that's unjust or it's not of God um I really am trying to get this prophetic word out uh I tried to get out yesterday didn't work and I I have it up for today but I don't think it's going to work again um uh I I've been in prayer for the last few hours and um I'm pretty sure the Lord is going to give another word here live on air so um I'm just waiting for for exactly what he wants me to say and do in in at the right time so uh before I get to that if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports please go to our website at jgm under our contact page or you can write us at Julie green Ministries International 4620 East 53rd Street sweet 200 downport Iowa
52807 all the information is in the description box below including where you can get any official Julie green Ministries merchandise it's you can click on that description uh box and it will all the websites and every link th at you need is going to be down in that box now again this is something I know uh the Lord yesterday uh had a word and um I really usually I have scriptures there's a you know there's a direction where he has me and while I was praying this morning I just there's so many things and I know that he wants to speak I know that he wants to reveal more to us and give us more marching orders or things for us to do in this very very pivotal time time uh that we are living in and so the thing that the Lord has me doing every day is not just giving you prophetic words because that's not just the only point the point is yes giving you the words or fresh Mana from heaven but he's also revealing to us every day who he is and that's very important it's not religion it's not legalism it's not a form or a man-made Doctrine we are finding out the heart of almighty God we're finding out who he really is and how much he truly loves each and every one of us his plans for us his plans for our Nations his plans for the young Generations his plans if we know his plans then we know more about him and that's why the prophetic is so so important in this very day in this very hour another reason why you see so much resistance against the prophetic so much division when it comes to the prophetic I mean the enemy is just trying to destroy everything when it comes to the prophetic because he knows the mouthpieces of God he knows that they will speak God's words and that he's given me a prophetic word at some point I will share with you but it's called the uniting of the prophets and soon you will see that I mean we're seeing more confirmation more and more I get confirmation all the time uh with my team because I can't watch other prophets but the team is telling me all the time Julia this person said this and this person said this and it's confirming exactly what the Lord is saying why do you think there's so many confirmations right now in this very moment in time because we are at those Final hours this final you know uh whatever I don't know if it's days or if it's weeks or if it's months I don't know but all I know is that it's the finale is coming and
okay fory the Lord this day I am telling you my children that a great finale is coming a finale your enemies will never see they will never see it coming because they're not looking for me they have their own way and they have their own plan but a great finale is coming a finale that the world will celebrate a finale that the world will unite my children around the world will unite in this finale because they will see who I am The Great I Am I am the god of Abraham of Isaac and of Jacob my children get into my word and study who I am get to know really who I am miracles signs and wonders that I did for my people in my written word I have so much more for you in this time because you are part of the latter Reign and I am raining down my Glory Revelation knowledge like never
before I am giving you a boldness that you have never felt before a boldness when you speak my word a boldness when you stand on my word a boldness when you resist your enemies and remember when you resist them they must
flee this is a great time of a jubilee a great time where you will see your enemies flee this is a great time my children so look to me
because many things that you are about to
see will bring many people to their knees some it will bring to their knees in prayer in Thanksgiving in Praise because they heard my words they obeyed my words they forward to my words and they were looking forward to what I was doing they believed and trusted in me in my
authority and they will celebrate and Shout with great
Thanksgiving but others will be brought to their knees because of shock awe and some St and
fear it's bringing confusion to your enemies yes great confusion but some in my body who were not looking for me who were not listening to my words great
confusion and great
fear on one side there'll be great Darkness upon this
Earth and on the other side there'll be great
light I am doing things for you my children to a degree to a scale that I have never done
I have mentioned the Red Sea many
times because it brought my children into shock and
awe of my
power of my
Deliverance of my
protecting and of me holding and restraining back their enemies before their
face and then seeing the defeat of your of their
enemy but you were about to see a defeat far greater than
that you may not be able to understand this right now for what you are about to see is greater than the Red
Sea you had many more enemies pursuing you from all
directions the Pharaohs of today that I've talked to you
about soon you will
I am putting a gag order on
them I have shut the mouths of the Lions
before and soon you will see that I was shut the mouss of your
my children fear is growing a great fear is growing in Washington
DC yes a great fear is
growing because of
me they see things aren't AR working they see things are falling apart no matter what they do no how much money they use no matter the plans they have it's falling it's falling it's falling it's falling
apart they're losing control their narrative is not working like it used to
their news media is not controlling the
masses their puppet can't speak like he used to he can't be controlled like he used
to because it's functioning in his mind and his body is weakening by the day I
say things are not how they
appear many things that you will see are not how they appear to
be I have told you of UN unmasking you think it's just one well I will tell you my children it is a
ton there are many people that you see are not how they appear to
be I will say this again many actors
are in your
Capital many actors are in your
capital and soon you will see
why things have already started yes a great Falling Away Great
removals because the tides have
turned and the storm that I've talked to you about is upon
them so resist resist them like you've never resisted them
before decree my words like you never have before shout your enemies defeat like you never have
before something big is
coming something big is
coming exposures are coming like never before explosive Dynamic powerful like a nuclear bomb truth like a nuclear
bomb there's nowhere for them to run there's nowhere for them to hide the truth will always always always be the final
say because I am truth and I will have my way so my children this
stand stand stand and
shout but be persistent and resist the enemy call down every plot every plan every scheme call them down call them down you will see them try you will see them try but you will also see them
fail so get up get up this day get up I say I have much for you to
do and I have much for you to receive for I the Lord this day am telling you my children this is the time that you have been waiting on this is what you've been praying for your deliverer is going going to be seen sayith the
Lord praise the Lord [Music] um something I want to
read he gave something in this prophetic
um and I can't remember all of it because again it doesn't come out of your mind it comes out of your spirit so but I know he wanted me to read this scripture so turn to John 14 because this is basically what he's saying to us through that prophetic word and what he's been saying for the last I would say the last year or two but he kept saying don't you know be in fear don't give up don't quit and then he's telling us to resist but I'll read something to you in John 14 verse1 John 14 verse1 and this is the classic Amplified he sayso not let your hearts be troubled distressed or agitated you believe in adhere to trust in rely on God believe adhere to trust and rely also on me and this is what he's saying here go joh verse 6 John 14 and verse
6 Jesus said to the him I am the way and the truth and the life no one comes to the father except by and through me remember he is the way the truth in the life that's why no matter what we're seeing happen and people are wondering how is the right thing G to happen how is all this going to take place how is all this going to change course how is this all going to be made right well Jesus is the way he's the truth he's alive remember truth will destroy every lie all the enemies know how to do is lie because the one controlling them is the father of Lies so you have a spiritual battle here you have a lie on here over here and then you have truth over here and truth will always destroy Every Lie every time there's no question it's not if it will happen it's only when God has promised us time and time again that we have the victory he's promised us time and time again that he is going to show up that he is showing the world who he really is not a version of him he's showing up he's showing up to destroy the darkness in this world because he's
light God is light this's been a dark dark world because first of all God's people didn't know the power and authority that they had they forgot for some reason that they were the salt and the light of this Earth that's who we are salt cleanses and light destroys the darkness when he tell told us before that we are in the army of the Lord and we've been deployed upon this Earth to take it back it is not belong to the people that you see controlling it do not belong to the globalist just because they have a ton of money and power their power and their money is nothing compared to God Almighty and that's why he reminds us every day that the greater one lives on the inside of us and he that's in the world he lives in us I want to turn to um I might go back to John 14 but I need you to turn to Isaiah I said I had no plan today I usually do but today was just different again he's changing things a lot there's a reason for that he's changed our plans he's changed these live shows why because times are changing and we need to change with him and not stuck in the same old same old we need to change with God if God tells us to Pivot we pivot if God tells us to do something different we do something different this is is the time to really pay attention to what he's saying and what he's doing so it says in Isaiah 60 look what it says
here arise from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you arise to a new life shine be radiant with glory of the Lord for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you verse two behold Darkness shall cover the Earth dense Darkness All Peoples but the Lord shall arise upon you oh Jerusalem and His glory shall be seen on you now God told us it was going to get darker and as you've seen in the last I would say two months things have gotten and grown darker they've gotten more chaotic they've gotten crazy here but they're going to continue to go that way for a short time and this is why he's telling us listen in John 14:1 he said don't let your hearts be troubled distressed or agitated you believe in adhere to trust and rely on God believe and adhere to and trust and rely on me also remember we're supposed to rely and trust in God do let our hearts be troubled because the thing that your adversary wants to do is he wants to put pressure on you that your hearts are troubled he wants you to get into fear he wants you to get agitated he wants you to get afraid he wants you to get overwhelmed he wants you to get confused he wants you to look to what is going on in the governments he wants you to look to all these wars he wants you to look to the inflation he wants you to look to all the things that are going on in our government he wants you to look to what's going on in the economy he wants you to look what's going on in your children he wants you to look to the
problem he will magnify that problem in your face daily I promise you he'll magnify it he'll make it so big and right in your face because he wants your hearts to be agitated he wants your hearts to be troubled he wants your hearts not to be fixed on God and again if you look at Isaiah 60 he's saying arise that means if he's telling us in Isaiah 60 and he's telling us to arise that means he's given us the ability to arise in the midst of Darkness that means he's giving us a way to have more light in the midst of Darkness he's perfecting us right now as we speak I've heard so many people everywhere we've gone no matter where we've gone throughout the nation this year I've heard so many people I'm closer with God than I ever had before I reading my Bible like I never have before I'm understanding Authority that I never knew we had why because God is pouring onto US great Revelation the power of who he is and who he has each and every one of us to be in this very day and in this very hour so we have the ability to to to arise when everything else is getting weaker and crazier and darker and people are getting more fearful in the world we should be doing just the opposite God is strengthening us his glory should be seen upon us what his glory is his what Glory God's glory is as manifested
power his presence and his goodness God's glory is his manifested power presence and goodness so you think about how powerful that Revelation is and God says I'm G to shower I'm going to rain down my glory upon this earth like the rain flooded the Earth in Noah's day God's going to pour out his manifested power his presence and his goodness he's going to flood the Earth with it greater than the waters that flooded the Earth in Noah's
day we are here for such a time as this he did not leave us to be in under this control of who you see many people believe that we are in Tribulation they believe that we're in the Book of Revelation we are not yet but that's what your enemies wanted you to believe they some even religions wanted you to believe that why because you'll stop
fighting you'll stop fighting it's not their time it's not their time this is the time for God's glory this is the time for God's Revival this is the time for the greatest Harvest of souls this is the time for a Great Awakening this is a time where the world will know who God really is God is not going to leave this world in the condition that it is in believing in him the way they do before the Book of Revelation happens before tribulation happens why because more people would go to hell then they would fall they would fall for the mark of the beast which they are already trying to P to
push implants in your hand in your forehead God talks about that can't buy or sell without it God talks about that that's what they're trying to do with AI that's what they're trying to do with replacing the Bible with an AI Bible why for a one world
religion that's why it's so hard people I don't know how many countless emails we've gotten people wanting the Bible that I have the sad thing is you can't even buy the Bible that I have anymore why because the enemies got into this stuff they want to dilute the word of
God now the only only place that I know right now that you can buy the classic Amplified Edition that's it because the enemy took it away the only place that I know is Kenneth cul Ministries and I think they sold out that's the only place that I know that has the copy right now to the classic Amplified version because the enemy tried to destroy that version he tried to destroy the Bible in general so what do we have to do this is the time where we have to pray for Revelation knowledge for clarity of the word of God because our enemies are trying to dilute the word of God for what it really says so then when we're using our weapon which is the sword of the spirit it's wimy and flimsy because it's not exactly what God Said for us to say that's why it's so important for us to know him and to know the right word and to know his word be able to speak his word to fight against the enemy they're fighting us on all fronts they're fighting us on all fronts now we have to fight back on all fronts we have to have that we have to put on our Armor of God and we have to put our uh everything that we have the glory of God we have to put the plead the blood of Jesus we have to use authority of that name and we have to start resisting like we have never been resisting before that's why he said in that prophetic word he just talked about a resisting there's a great resistance that we have to do resisting the power of the enemy we have to push them back we have to deny them access we have to deny their power we have to deny their plans and their purpose and what they're doing against us we have the power and authority of almighty God to do that so again when he's telling us to and Isaiah 16 when he's telling us to arise he's given us the ability to do so a lot of people because are under so much depression they're under so much Darkness they're under so many cares of this world that they don't know how they can arise they don't know how they can fight another okay I used to be that person who survived on a daily basis just to survive to live another day that's how I lived I lived to survive but that's not how God has myself or any of you he has us to thrive he wants us to go and Rise Above not stay on the same we are not on the same playing field as as our enemy now a lot of people would say Julie what are you talking about we are not on the same playing field as our
enemy again he's telling us to arise I'm getting to this point go to Ephesians chapter
1 we're not on the same playing field that's why God wants us to arise above he's getting us to have this knowledge of who we are with him and who we are who we belong to we are children of the most high God we're in the army of the Lord we've been given Power Authority demining this Earth to take it back for who has taken it or stolen it the Earth does not belong to these globalists it does not belong to the globalist I don't care what they say I don't even care what they have it doesn't belong to them the Earth belongs to the children of men it says that that in Psalm 115 in verse 16 does not belong to them so if you go to Ephesians
1 Let's Start in [Music] um I'll start with verse 17 Ephesians 1 and verse 17 again he's talking to us to arise and those who have just are joining go back and I don't know if it was a five or seven minutes into it the Lord was giving another prophetic word um go back to that because I I can't go back and read over it because he just gave it on live so I I'm not g to go back over that one right now I can't so I want you to go to Ephesians 1 in verse 17 the the Lord God of our Lord Jesus Christ a father of Glory remember God's glory his manifested presence his power and his goodness okay may give to you you the spirit of wisdom Revelation and the knowledge of him stop right there God has been giving us through these prophetic words and through all these teachings and through all this we've been getting in in this encouragement Revelation knowledge on who God really is he's giving us that so we know who we are trusting we know who and how to rely on him during times of uncertainty during times where everybody else would you know just give
up so it says again that that the Lord of Our Lord or the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of Glory may give to you the spirit of wisdom Revelation and the knowledge of him that's what he's giving us Verse 18 the eyes of your understanding be enlightened that you may know the what is the hope of of his calling what are the riches of his glory of his inheritance in the Saints then he goes on to say and what is exceedingly greatness of his power toward us who believe according to the working of his mighty power which he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead seated him at his right hand in Heavenly places verse 21 far above all principality power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this age but also in which is to come verse 22 he put all things under his feet gave him to be the head over all things to the church which is his body the fullness of him who fills all in all okay Jesus is the head and we are the body where is Jesus sit at the right hand of God yep and guess where we are sited at the right hand of God we sit with them at the right hand why he says this right here we are far above all principality power might and Dominion every name that is named not only in this age but also in which is to come and he put all things under whose feet he put all things under Christ's feet and we in Christ is the head we are the body then guess what he is the head we are the body where is the enemy under our feet we're not on the same playing field he didn't even say that we're a little bit above our enemy he said that we are far above our enemy remember the greater one lives on the inside of you that's why you have the power and authority of the name of Jesus that's why you have the blood Covenant with God Almighty that's why the greater one lives on the inside of you because he wants you far above all principalities powers and rulers of the darkness of this world he wants you to be far above he doesn't want you to be on the same playing field he doesn't want you to be underneath your enemy he wants you to be above your enemy your enemies are supposed to be your foot stol they're supposed to be underneath your feet so when you see your enemies doing all these things remember we're joint hirs with Christ we're joint HS with Jesus Christ and what is Jesus Christ he's a lawful owner of all things you can find that in Hebrews chapter one and verse I think it's three or four he's a lawful owner of all things and we're joint HS with Christ and he's given us in Luke 10:19 we've given all Power Authority and dominion over all the power that the enemy possesses again we're not on the same plan playing field we have power to resist we have power to push back we have power to make the enemy fall to make their plans fall for them to be confused with their speech for them to be uh turning on each other you have the power of that people think okay Joey you've lost your love and love and mine no I'm just reading the word of God religion wants you to believe that you are just here and you just have to suffer and just deal with whatever the enemy is doing to you no that's what the enemy truly want to believe that's been the greatest disinformation in the body of Christ is that the enemy is out there and there's nothing you can do about it there's been a war of disinformation and I don't even know how many ways that's a tactic of War why do you think what do you think would happen with the what happened with the Biden what happened all these different things it's disinformation they tell a lie long enough and people believe it think it's the truth or or you play along long enough and people just be like okay well this is there's nothing we can do about it we just have to put up with it no that's not we don't have to put up with what's been going on but Julia has been going on for a long time yep it has been because the church didn't know their place the church didn't know the power that they had the authority that they had they didn't know that the greater one on the inside of them is giving them words to speak is giving them words to say he's giving us marching orders he's telling us hey I'm getting your
attention trust and rely on me that's what God is saying trust and rely on him on his word what he's been giving us what he's been telling us trust and rely on him that he is not only going to get us out of this situation which he is but he's going to restore what has been stolen remember yesterday that he told us over and over and over again if you guys missed that one go back and watch yesterday's he said yesterday that it was time for the enemies to pay for what they put us through you see the desperation on them you see it I know I can see it you see desperation on them God said this was going to be a time where you were going to see that you were going to see it desperation you were going to see them start uh fighting amongst themselves turning on each other it's funny how they keep talking about someone's going to replace Biden huh I think God said that two years ago they were going to replace him this is not normal for what you're saying about all these news sources that are talking about because I've gotten them I've gotten them prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes all the time they're talking about Michelle Obama or they're talking about Gavin Nome or they're talking about this or that the other thing they can't prop him up anymore that's why they're letting him go that's what the Lord said I think it was back in January 2022 there's several other prophetic words but so what is what is our job what are we supposed to do so Julie what can we do about it we speak the words that God is telling us to speak we believe in what God is doing we may not know how he's doing all of these things we just know that he is doing these things he's promised to do these things so again here in Ephesians he says far above all principality power might and dominion over every name remember Jesus's name is above every name so if you hear the name Hamas if you hear the name hezb or you hear hear Aida you hear all these other things that are going on Jesus's name is above every name so what we have to do and what we've are learning is we're supposed to talk to the mountain to destroy that mountain and not talk about it because I will tell you when I used to be I was seriously sick every day I was in pain every day it was a horrible life that I lived for a long long long time and what was I doing I was talking about it because it was excruciating it was debilitating it was depressing living like that every day every day there was no reprieve there was just it was just that way every day and you talk about it and you talk about it and you talk about it and you talk about it and God said don't talk about it talk to it you tell your body what to do you tell your circumstances what to do you have that power the church hasn't been have been teaching that you have the power and authority with the words that God has given you because you have the spirit the sword of the spirit which is the word of God
okay I got it this is scriptural this is not my
opinion go to Luke
again go to Luke because I quoted it but we have to read it Luke 1019 this is the written word of God not my opinion behold I've given you Authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions and physical and mental strength and ability over all the power that the enemy possesses and nothing shall in any way harm you what is that scripture saying to you that it doesn't matter the power of the enemy you have power over the enemy you have more Authority you have more power you have dominion over all the power of the enemy there is there has to be a great Revelation in the body of Christ what that is there has to be a greater Revelation that God's people know that they have Power Authority and dominion over all the power of these globalists over all the power that's giving them power over all these tyrannical governments why because God's he is the judge he is the one who can take down one and bring bring up another his government is higher than any government on Earth it's a laughing remember God at the heavens and he laughs he laughs at these people they don't have more power than him and they're never gonna outsmart him go to
John he wants me to read this
John 16 and
33 John 16:33 I have told you these things so that in me you may have perfect peace and confidence in the world you'll have tribulation trials distress and frustration but be of good cheer take courage be be confident certain undaunted for I've overcome the world I deprived it of its power to harm you and I've conquered it for you in the world you're going to have frustration in the world you're going to have tribulation and trials and distress you're going to have things that are going to upset you you're going to have things that are going to try to steal your joy you're going to have things are trying to keep you away from your firm Focus foundation on the father you're going to have these things are trying to distract you you're going to have these things that is truth you're going to have these things but then Jesus says but be of good
cheer take courage be confident certain and undaunted for I have overcome the world I deprived it of its power to harm you and I've conquered it for you Jesus has conquered the power of the enemy he's conquered the power of the ones that are the enemies that you see before us he's conquered the one that's giving them power Jesus has conquered the one that's giving the enemy's power that we
see Jesus has conquered that power he's brought it to nothing okay hold on he wants me to look up a definition hold
on okay undaunted he wanted me to look that up not
intimidated or discouraged by difficult y danger or disappointed disappointment Jesus said don't be undaunted that means don't be intimidated don't be discouraged by difficulty danger or disappointment so what is the enemy doing trying to BR intimidation they're trying to bring dis discouragement they're trying to be bring difficulties and
disappointments why why are they trying to do that to get you to
bow to get you to give in because why is God saying over and over again don't give up don't quit don't give in to what's going on stand up fight resist be persistent be consistent why is he saying that because you have every opportunity in this world to give up and quit and he's saying don't okay he's just giving me another
one Hebrews
10 and 23 this is about arising this is about holding and holding the line because he gave a prophetic word about that holding the line this is about uh a called to arms because we're in the army of the Lord he's showing us that we have to be that line of defense
okay we need to be a line of defense for people who don't know for we be a line of defense for our Nations a line of defense for the body of Christ we need to be a line of defense against the power of the enemy so they we are pushing them back so they can't take any more
territory we have to talk taking territory back we have to start pushing them resisting them denying them saying you can't do this anymore we're not taking your crap no more and I know I probably shouldn't say crap but I am we shouldn't take the crap anymore stop taking it start saying no we're pushing them back we are taking back territory from them they're not going to keep taking territory from us we're going to push them back and we're going to start taking back territory that's rightfully ours start taking back our freedoms that are rightfully ours so taking back our countries that are rightfully ours so taking back our Liberty our laws that should we should have we are above the enemy and we now have to act like it we are more than number than the enemy and we have to know it there are more of us we have to get that Revelation there are more of us than there are of them they are petrified of you and I why do you think they have done so much against us they have tried to intimidate they have tried to ruin people's lives they have well they tried to kill people they have tried to silence people why do you think they're doing all these things why you think they're going after our president so hard or rifle one why you think they're going after anybody who's wish with him so hard with him why truth is it's setting people free there is a resistance that's growing there's Awakening that is growing by the day and they're petrified because how they used to control the masses how they used to control all of us they're losing that control they're losing it why because God is pouring out his word his Revelation knowledge he's giving us things that we to this degree that we have never seen or heard of before to this matter because God is saying it's now time for his glory it's not time for his manifest his presence his power and his goodness it is now time for us to hold fast is our time for that call of arms to hold that line that to be that the the the line of defense and of take back what's ours it's that time
now so Hebrews 10 and verse
23 so let us seize and hold fast and retain without wavering the hope we cherish and confess and our acknowledgement of it for he who have promised is reliable he sure he's faithful to his word so we have to know when we're going through us we're holding that line we're that line of defense we're taking back territory we are in a war we're taking back that territory God is giving us the strategies of the enemy so we know exactly what they're going to do he's giving us this Insight he's our commanderin-chief he's telling us hey but a lot of people don't hold that line of defense they don't stay where they're supposed to stay because of that not trusting not knowing who he is and not knowing what to believe that he's going to do they don't know what to expect from him so that's why it's important to know what to expect from him he's going to defend you he's going to protect you he's a your impenetrable
shield he held back the Pharaoh remember he gave us a prophetic word that says I'm between you and them he's standing guard he can only let he'll let them go so far but they can't go
anymore so if we so for he who is promised and is reliable sure his faithful to his word then all of a sudden you're going to hold that line that line of defense you're going to hold that line why you're going to hold that line because you know who's backing you up you know who's before you you know the Angel armies are with you you know that God's a sure thing he's not going to let you down he's he's going to give you that victory that he has so promised you he's giving us our nation back we just have to make sure that we take it back a lot of people have given into to this um given into people saying that it's too late for this country this country is just going down in flames this country's dead the country they wanted it to be is dying the globalist that they want it to be is being destroyed as we speak there's a prophetic word that I I think it was either Fridays or Mondays that I've already pre-recorded dig to the
corporation God is destroying it annihilating bringing it to nothing he's already done it you're going to see it that Corporation that's been holding us
captive that literally was on purpose to bring a bondage into slavery that we did not know existed that Corporation is being destroyed before our eyes and now you're going to start to see more of the Fulfillment of that now no that's said those were God's word I heard that prophetic word back when I was in uh my prayer time with him okay great Pro I said there's a lot of powerful prophecies that I want to give out but um he just hasn't let me yet so he's giving out these other ones that are so powerful I'm so excited all right now uh Hebrews chapter 10 verse 5 now again this is what he's telling us it's a time to arise it's is time to be that line of defense hold the line hold the line children of almighty God you hold the line and you stay where you're at you don't be moved and if you're G to move you're gonna move forward you're going to rise out of the darkness you're going to rise out of that arise out of that depression you're going to rise out of that frustration you're going to rise out of all the things and the circumstances where Satan is trying to keep you because God is making the enemy pay for all that he's done to
you now Hebrews chapter 10 and verse uh well okay Hebrews chapter 10:30 let's read this one
again for we know him who said vengeance is mine retribution and the metting out of full Justice rest with me I will repay I'll exact the compensation said the Lord and again the Lord will judge and determine and solve settle the cause in the cases of his people now if you look at this let me see I'm going look up another word because I love to do that okay retribution Hebrews 10 verse3 talked about retribution what is retribution God said vengeance is his what is retribution all right punishment Afflicted on someone as Vengeance for wrong or criminal act God said vengeance is mine then he said retribution which is punishment inflicted on somebody as Vengeance for a wrong or criminal act think about all the criminal acts that they've done against us think about all the entities that they put in our government alone in the United States and I don't know about all the other countries but I know about here all the entities that they put as criminal acts against people to keep them in bondage and slavery God said that they are nowaday pharaohs what did Pharaoh do Pharaoh suppressed God's people he taxed God's people into a slavery when the children of Israel went into the land of Egypt they were not broke people they were actually very very very highly wealthy they were very wealthy people and Pharaoh looked at them and saide are way too number if they really realize that they are more than us they will overthrow
us so what did he do he killed them and he brought him into a slavery he tax them into a
slavery there's more to this that God's trying to tell us about that about
taxation that's not for today just lone luget all right now so he says the metting out of full Justice rest with me okay so let's
see um hold on there we go metting definition and I'm not finding it for some reason meting out okay betting out to give something to the people who one decides should get it metting out God said Vengeance was his retribution that means a punishment okay then metting out means to give something to the people who one decides should get it to give out or to distribute something we're trying to be fair and metting out Rewards or punishments usually used to refer to something unpleasant now what does that mean in the bible to measure or to deal out God is going to measure he's going to deal out all the things the criminally they were done against us remember he says he's making the enemy pay for what they've done to us and that was a decree and declaration that we remember he gave us yesterday through the prophetic word he gave on live on air he's telling us to do that he's telling us to that again so he's GNA EXA the compensation that means everything that has been stolen from us been stolen from our nation been stolen from our children been stolen from families been stolen from us financially been sewing for us in the churches been sewing for us in everything God saying I'm going to exact the compensation that means I'm going to give back you can also find
this and Jeremiah
33 Jeremiah 33:11 there shall be heard again the voice of Joy the voice of gladness the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the Bride the voice of those who sing as bring sacrifice of Thanksgiving into the house of the Lord give praise and thanks to the Lord of hosts the Lord is good for his mercy and kindness and steadfast love endure forever the end part of this scripture for I will cause the Captivity of the land to be reversed and return to be as it was in the first God is reversing that captivity that means the people who have held Us in captivity will be in captivity
themselves he's reversing the Captivity we have been in captivity he's reversing it and putting it on the enemy that's that that's that retribution
punishment we're going to
see there's been a lot of punishment that we didn't know about
yet things are not how they appear to be and we're going to see that the Lord is giving us these words for a reason okay another thing look at right now if you look up at our website at jgm under prophecies you some digging on the Mediterranean Sea and then look in the news what's happening in the Mediterranean Sea right now you look up some of the prophecies about the Biden and what they were going to do to bring him down you look them up look up some of these prophecies start digging my my one friend hi Angie uh I love her and she's like she's been digging in these prophecies and God has been revealing to her all these things that are happening as we speak some are big prophecies and some are small but to me you know they're they're all big because God is doing it some people may think they're small because they're they may not be significant it may be like a you know a dog in the news or something well there was a dog in the news which was crazy because it was the Biden's dog and he bits there was I think more than one of his dogs bit the security secret service but God said there was me dog in the news for an unusual reason he's trying to get our attention with small things or big things it's a time to stay alert this is a time to fight back this is not a time of the war where you back off this is a time in war where we push back Call to Arms we're a line of defense we are a line of defense from them taking down our entire freedoms Our Lives as we know it we're the line of defense them stealing our Nations fully we're the line of defense you say Julie well we're in a lot of trouble because the body of Christ is not where it's supposed to be God knows he's called called you and I for such a time as this so I want to pray over each and every one of you right now that you are able to stand and be that line of defense this is now time to take back territory to take back what rightfully belongs to us I am more excited now no matter what I see and people like there's articles and stuff they give because it's prophecy fulfilled and I'm seeing some of these things and I it if you did not know what God was doing it would bring a lot of people to fear but I'm excited because I know what God has said in the Fulfillment of it that if we had team big enough we'd be putting out prophec and fulfilled videos all the
time and it will happen because we're praying for it that way we can give these out to you to encourage you that God what he's saying he is doing it so heavenly father right now in Jesus name I want to lift up every person at the sound of my voice I thank you Father God that you have called each and every one of us for such a time as this I thank you Father God that you are giving us a revelation of being that line of defense that you are calling us to battle but we are destined to win I thank you Father God for the boldness that you are giving each and every one of us I thank you Father God that the resistence that's growing on the inside of us I thank you Father God you've told us to arise and you have given us the ability to do so so I thank you Father God that all of us are arising in your name we're arising in the power of the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth we are arising to our assignments and then we will fulfill each and every one of them I thank you Father God that we have the ability that we are pushing the enemy back that we are taking back what's rightfully ours we're taking back territory we're taking back our freedoms we're taking back our Nations we're taking back these children we are taking back the finances we are taking back everything that belongs to us father God and we thank you during this time of great judgment that we will see upon the wicked heavenly father I thank you that there is light in the midst of all of us and that light Your Glory your manifested presence your power and your goodness is going to shine through US greater day by day because when the world grows darker your light is going to grow stronger and the world will know who is with you and who is not youve given us words about a great separation that you are greatly distinguishing us from the world and we thank you that we are in this world just like you said in John 17 we are in this world we are not of it we are not subject to anything that's about to happen no death no destruction no terrorist attack no uh none of thing to do with inflation none of things to do with the economy it doesn't matter what it is it will not affect us because that's a weapon of the enemy and you said no weapon formed against us shall
prosper and heavenly father as I lift up even not only our nation but I lift up our rightful president to you father God that he knows that he knows that he is chosen by you that he spiritual has spiritual open his ears open to hear you your instructions your wisdom your knowledge your understanding and what he needs to do every day to take back what rightfully his in the scene father God I thank you and I praise you we plead the blood of Jesus over him over everybody with him that no weapon formed against him shall prosper and I thank you Father God nothing the enemies try or do and I thank you that that gag order has to be reversed I thank you Father God because he is your chosen one and they can't keep his mouth shut he's chosen for this very day and this very hour so we thank you for giving him greater boldness but I he heavenly father I thank you that he submits completely to you in the calling that you have on his life and we thank you Father God for all that you're doing in this nation for all that you're doing through each and every one of us through all that you're doing around the world and we thank you for it in Jesus name amen and amen now again you pray for our rightful president you pray that he has a right people around him all the time that they're listening to God and what God's telling them to do you pray for your families you pray for your Nations you speak life you speak blessing you speak uh Victory you speak the right things not the wrong things and the marching orders decrees declarations you guys can go to our website at jgm org under our blog posts you can find there's marching orders decrees and declarations you can find the teachings for these prophecies you can find them because the team works really hard on giving them out to you read these things declare these things over your life speak the words resist the devil and he must flee from you James 4:7 I hope to encourage each and every one of you today I will be back live at 4 o'clock pm. Central time today right here on Rumble um I have a guest with me so if you want to join me again I'll be on live at 4M central time so until then hes encourage you today please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free God loves you I love you God bless you and have a wonderful day!
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COPYRIGHT 2023 Julie Green Ministries International
1. John 14:1, 6
2. 1 John 4:4
3. Isaiah 60:1-2
4. Ephesians 6:11, 10-17
5. Psalm 115:16
6. Ephesians 1:17-22
7. Romans 8:17
8. Hebrews 1:3-4
9. Luke 10:19
10. Philippians 2:9
11. Psalm 75:7
12. Psalm 2:4
13. John 16:33
14. Hebrews 10:23, 30, 35
15. Jeremiah 33:11
16. Esther 4:14
17. John 17:13-17
18. Isaiah 54:17
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