MACKro to micro, S1 Episode 5 full

1 year ago

Mack bros. podcast, Season 1, Episode 5 full
Waking-up, had dreams this time. Top headlines and trending topics discussed over warm brew. Dad Jokes included.
And to begin each episode we recite our Season1 MANTRA (consciousness/ abundance).
Discussing Top Headlines of today: Ukraine begins peace talks with NATO, English prime minister, Rishi Sunak hosts historic AI saftey conference. The future of AI, and 57,000 acres northeast of san fransisco selling for 800 million dollars to silicon valley billionaire Jan Sramok, and building a mysterious municipality.
Trending Now: Elon Musk: falcon 9 launch, 23 starlinks added, and, GROK.
WTF Mate?!: Republican GOP primary debate happening, and Trump is a ?/no show, or will he make the game-time decision to play?...
Go sports moments... KC Chiefs win in frankfurt including a karmic fumble by tyreek hill. Superbowl rematch Chiefs v. Eagles happens on MNF Nov 20th. The Vegas Knights get handed their first loss- in a long while, when the Mighty Ducks score 4 unanswered in the third.... go sports!
We talk Mighty Ducks 2 and why it's the best mighty ducks! go team USA
Scissoring coupons again: Best deal lately is our ice time and saucin the puck back n forth. Also, Built a greenhouse, check. Building Sauna- another great deal.
"What was the Learning"? The learning this time is training your unconscious, or subconscious mind, and mediating and manifesting with gratefulness for an abundance. Lucid dreaming, and the lessons learned from 50 first dates w/ adam sandler..

WEDS NOV 8, 2023

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