Female Force: Selena by TidalWave Comics

1 year ago

Selena Quintanilla-Perez was taken from us far too soon, the victim of a senseless murder at age 23. Often called the “Mexican Madonna” or the “Queen of Tejano,” Selena is arguably one of the brightest performers of the 1980s and 1990s. Her popularity has surged recently, driven by her strong vocals and incredible stage performances. This dynamic issue explores her humble origins and her rise to superstardom.

Published by: TidalWave Comics
Written by: Michael L. Frizell
Art by: Ramon Salas
Pages: 28

#comicbook #selena #perez #queenoftejano #art #story #spanish #style #mexican #mexico #dance #sexy #murdered #life #death #fans #tidalwave #latin #humble #voice #biography

Click here for the preview - https://bit.ly/3BTxczU

Click here to pick up a copy - https://www.comicfleamarket.com/female-force-selena-exclusive/

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