08 Nov 23, Jesus 911: Origenist Heresy Embraced at Synod

1 year ago

Today's Topics:

1) Synod quotes Isaac of Nineveh and the need to have compassion on all creation, but the problem is that is Origenist heresy (condemned - Isaac was a Nestorian heretic)

2) Notre Dame Drag show: So they sold this as an issue of academic freedom and a class, but they put up flyers in the dorms which the rectors demands could not be torn down. If it is an academic course, then why invite the entire campus unless you want to push your homoerotic agenda?

3) Why Saint John Henry Newman was right and Notre Dame President, Fr. Jenkins, is wrong about "academic freedom" - with no grounding in revealed truth, anything goes. Look at what is coming next at NYU (and coming to a Catholic school near you?)

4) Demonic WYD DJ Priest at it again


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