Star Trek Tarot Card Unboxing StarTrek: The Next Generation

1 year ago

Unboxing of the Star Trek: The Next Generation Tarot Card Deck. Our connection to all-knowing can communicate to us through visuals, such as with this deck. Whatever comes to you as you see the card is probably the message. Whatever the card signifies to you. Messages come through without having to translate them into words. Like they say, "A picture can say a thousand words". And like a content creator I watched (Joe Monteleone Tarot) has said, "These are the 78 memes of consciousness". A great tool given to us to understand ourselves. We ARE our own best consultant.

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#messages, #lies, #fake, #false, #falseperson, #clone, #creation, #creationmodel, #conciousness, #concious, #subconciousmind, #subconciousness, #subconcious, #model, #ball, #yarn, #connections, #divine, #divinefeminine, #divinemale, #twin, #soul, #soul, #ESP, #estrasensory, #perception, #channel, #channeling, #message, #knowledge, #advancedknowledge, #penetrate, #penetration, #expansion, #expanded, #ascension, #ascension, #astrology, #ascendedmaster, #master, #christconciousness, #tarot, #pendulum, #sun, #simulation, #plasma, #doppleganger, #sol, #aircraft, #simulated #fakesun, #solfalso, #tarot, #pendulum, #truth, #truthteller, #creation, #creator, #twinflame, #divine, #soul, #union, #divineunion, #divinemasuline, #Star #Startrek, #startrek, #pickard, #startreck, #startrec, #starwars, #unboxing, #howto, #diy

#messages, #lies, #fake, #false, #falseperson, #clone, #creation, #creationmodel, #conciousness, #concious, #subconciousmind, #subconciousness, #subconcious, #model, #ball, #yarn, #connections, #divine, #divinefeminine, #divinemale, #twin, #soul, #soul, #ESP, #estrasensory, #perception, #channel, #channeling, #message, #knowledge, #advancedknowledge, #penetrate, #penetration, #expansion, #expanded, #ascension, #ascension, #astrology, #ascendedmaster, #master, #christconciousness, #tarot, #pendulum, #sun, #simulation, #plasma, #doppleganger, #sol, #aircraft, #simulated #fakesun, #solfalso, #tarot, #pendulum, #truth, #truthteller, #creation, #creator, #twinflame, #divine, #soul, #union, #divineunion, #divinemasuline, #Star #Startrek, #startrek, #pickard, #startreck, #startrec, #starwars

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