EP. 98 🚩 HACK on TECHNIQUE for R$ 100 per DAY (ep. 80) with 1 SCANT in +DE 10 MINUTES on HT! 🧠

1 year ago

What's up, escantuber? My name is Tevo Soares and you are on the EscanTevo channel. Before watching this video, I recommend that you spend a little time absorbing the content of episode 80 https://youtu.be/pzGG__L8T_s Then come back here to continue. There were many views and, consequently, many comments on the technique. So, I decided to record this material in order to answer, as always in a practical way, the burning question: what's up, Tevo, is it still worth applying the technique, even if I can't find the crossed odds at 2.75? This is a bonus material that would be destined exclusively for students but, in view of such reciprocity, always strengthening the channel, I decided to share it here and with you as well. Hope you like it!

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Guilherme Camargo, Willian Justen de Vasconcellos, Ruben Leija, SeppH, Thomas Serer, Giorgio Trovato, David Clarke, Mari Carmen Del Valle, Jeffrey F. Lin, Nigel Msipa, Jannik Skorna, Tania Dimas and Marco Mézquita. Thank you very much for providing the images for free on Unsplash.

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