Cat Protects His House From A Vicious Fiend In The Form Of Spam Mail

7 years ago

Could you imagine what it must be like to work as a mailman? Not to mention all the mileage you have to pass everyday, loaded with letters and packages, delivering the mail to thousands citizens… it’s a tedious job, but someone has to do it!

Mailmen get to meet all sorts of folk on the job - friendly folk, hostile folk, quirky folk, and they all have some sort of pet. In this video, we see someone, probably a mailman but we can’t say for sure, trying to put mail inside someone’s home through the mail slot on their door, but gets rudely interrupted every single time by a tiny, angry tiger!

We can’t tell where or when the footage was taken, only that is was probably shot with a cellphone camera during the delivery person’s regular route. This professional seems to know very well what they should expect when they get at this home, so they come out of their van prepared.

What is also clear is that this feline, protector of his realm, has a thing for spam mail, so every time the person tries to pop and envelope or flyer inside, tiny claws poke through the slot, dragging the mail in or pushing it out.

However typical feline behavior, not all cats seem to be this hostile with postal workers! A Postman from New Zealand Post enjoys his daily mail run in the town of Taranaki because he gets greeted by a friendly neighborhood cat, <a href="" target="_blank">demanding to be pet</a>!

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