Episode 1634: Four Crown Martyrs

11 months ago

Feast Day: November 8
Title: Four Crowned Martyrs
Patron Saints: Sculptors, stonemasons, stoneworkers, quarry workers

There are two groups of martyrs who are venerated as the Four Crowned Martyrs. The first group were four Roman soldiers who were martyred in the 3rd century for their refusal to worship pagan idols. The second group were four stonemasons from Pannonia who were martyred in the 4th century for their refusal to carve a statue of the pagan god Aesculapius.

First Group of Four Crowned Martyrs:
The first group of Four Crowned Martyrs were four Roman soldiers who were martyred in the 3rd century for their refusal to worship pagan idols. Their names are believed to have been Claudius, Nicostratus, Simpronian, and Castorius. They were stationed in Rome during the reign of Emperor Diocletian, who was a persecutor of Christians.

The soldiers were ordered to carve a statue of the pagan god Aesculapius, but they refused, saying that they were Christians and would not worship false gods. As punishment, they were tortured and then beheaded. Their bodies were buried in a sandpit on the Via Labicana, where they were later discovered by Pope Melchiades.

Second Group of Four Crowned Martyrs:
The second group of Four Crowned Martyrs were four stonemasons from Pannonia who were martyred in the 4th century for their refusal to carve a statue of the pagan god Aesculapius. Their names are believed to have been Severus, Severian, Carpophorus, and Victorinus. They were working on a temple to the pagan god Aesculapius in Pannonia when they were ordered to carve a statue of the god.

The stonemasons refused, saying that they were Christians and would not create an image of a false god. As punishment, they were stoned to death. Their bodies were buried in a cemetery near Albano, where they were later discovered.

The first group of Four Crowned Martyrs were stationed in Rome during the reign of Emperor Diocletian. They were ordered to carve a statue of the pagan god Aesculapius, but they refused, saying that they were Christians and would not worship false gods. As punishment, they were tortured and then beheaded.

The second group of Four Crowned Martyrs were stonemasons who were working on a temple to the pagan god Aesculapius in Pannonia. They were ordered to carve a statue of the god, but they refused, saying that they were Christians and would not create an image of a false god. As punishment, they were stoned to death.

The Four Crowned Martyrs are venerated as saints in the Catholic Church. Their feast day is celebrated on November 8. They are the patron saints of sculptors, stonemasons, stoneworkers, and quarry workers.

Here are two prayers that can be said to the Four Crowned Martyrs:

Prayer for courage:
O Saints Claudius, Nicostratus, Simpronian, and Castorius, who were strong in your faith and willing to die for your beliefs, pray for me that I may have the courage to stand up for what is right, even when it is difficult.

Prayer for protection:
O Saints Claudius, Nicostratus, Simpronian, and Castorius, who were martyred for your faith, pray for me that I may be protected from harm and that I may always live according to my Christian beliefs.

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