10 Common mistakes that kill your houseplants | Gardenvid

1 year ago

There are some houseplants care mistakes that can damage or even kill them.
Root rot, yellowing of leaves, brown spots, weak stems and leaf tip burns are the most common problems we face when keeping houseplants.
In this video, I will show you 10 common mistakes in care houseplants, which if you make these mistakes, your plants will be damaged.
So if you want to have healthy plants and take better care of them, stay with me until the end of this video and learn 10 new tips.
I hope you enjoyed watching this video.
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00:00 Intro
00:32 Number1 : Overwatering
01:09 Number2 : Underwatering
01:34 Number3 : Watering at the wrong time
02:00 Number4 : Use the wrong type of water
02:27 Number5 : Neglecting drainage
03:01 Number6 : Not providing enough light
03:35 Number7 : Not fertilizing enough or at all
04:01 Number8 : Not repotting when needed
04:26 Number9 : Using the wrong type of soil
04:48 Number10 : Not cleaning the leaves
05:32 Two ways to clean and shine your plants



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