i'll pay you to keep that baby

1 year ago

i love this hat so much, i found it in a parking lot
emotional meltdown vs. panic attack
the struggle equips you to handle the daily drudgery
life is pretty drab
true misogynists wouldn't hit up a baby shower
getting pregnant isn't a task for dummies
people don't raise their kids, that's my problem
modernity is the devil
if it's bad for adults...
this is what chu get for choosing technology
look at this mf taking up all the parking spots
that is sns parking damnit, just b/c there's not a sign...
yawl almost saw my ass did you notice
it looks like i'm wearing a hijab
ronnit kept making false accusations about the doctors n nurses @ the rehabilitation place but i couldn't help but believe her seeing the place n also naturally hating the medical profession
i get it, i've been this way forever n ever
in certain regards hahahaha
you get high too bitch
i can't get my shoe on cos my sock is too big
thank you for your retroactive pear
not a fan of pears for some reasons
why would they do this, amy
they don't even want the hats, they just wanna fuck w/ me
managing schizophrenia is a full time job
we have a lotta theories, some pretty original some pretty common
why promote health when you can make $ off of society's sickness
america is the epitome of sick

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