Northern Lights, Removal of 3D, Sadhus, Medbeds, Inner Earth 11-08-23

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This will be a conversation with the Universal Beings. It's a time when you can ask questions if you'd like.


Northern Lights, removal of the 3D-Dimension,

29:20- Did you say that the Northern/Southern lights are bad?


44:11 - Can you talk about the Sadhus? They are Hindu Sages called Sadhus living in the Himalayas. They are said to be holy people and supernatural.

48:44 - We know that in channel the Universal Light Beings have been asked before about chem trails, this is a request for a current update. Here is why; the weather on the Northern CA coast had been beautiful for days, crystal clear blue skies, we felt great and then two days ago the chem trails appeared again. This is a pattern that seems to get repeated. Are the nefarious ones still poisoning us? Not only do we feel weak and out of balance, but our dog, who usually is very mellow and happy, also shows signs of stress and discomfort.
From clear blue skies to chem trails and the chem trail cloud skies that followed with an unbalanced change in health until the sky clears once more.
What is really going on?

53:00 - Sky Prince announced yesterday that the Med Beds will roll out momentarily worldwide. Is that truth?

57:12 - I would love to hear what is happening with the banks, like chase, will they go out of business?

1:06:00 - How can ideas for humanitarian projects be actualized ifor thise without group &/or financial support? Is there a specific plan for people to connect with others ?

1:09:05 - Could you talk about the migrants and what will happen to them in the US and Europe etc?

1:12:20 - How are they going to transition our huge concrete cities over the next 10 years?


Inner Earth, re-awakening of Higher Dimensional Frequencies, AI and Humanity

1:27:45 - Can you speak about the Great White Brotherhood?

1:29:30- You said you use AI in your homes. How do you use it there? And what is a home in your place? Is it like a building like we have?

1:34:08 - Did Nicola Tesla come back as a walk in a few years ago to continue his work?

1:36:28 - Here in the UK along with Canada and Australia we are told that the black hats are still in control.
Is this true? Plus King Charlie has just opened up the government and we are hearing it will be going ahead with allowing WHO and WEF to take over our sovereignty in May next year??

1:38:05 - How will the houseing market look these next months in the US? Is it wise to get a mortgage at this time?

1:40:00 - Is AI going to harm our children and grandchildren currently before things change? Near future of our families?

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