9 People Are Dying A Day in Australia by Suicide - What Are We Going To Do About That?

10 months ago

Today in the News One Media Site Shared, How Australian Porn Star who is 27 years old attended the Melbourne Cup and she Sells Explicit Content
Makes $150,000 a month (News.com.au) (this is the Type of Influencers they want your kids, grandkids, girls to aspire to be)

But in another article on (News.com.au) a person sadly talked about losing his nephew to Suicide at the age of 20, to raise awareness.

I often feel at times that sadly it’s only when someone dies from suicide it makes the news and we need more support on raising Mental Health Awareness and Brain Health to try and prevent this from happening.

As in that Media Article it shared how 9 people every single day in Australia are ending their life. With 7 of those Australian’s being Male and 2 being Female.

As a Mental Health Podcast Host and someone who has personally lost 2 cousins to Suicide I still think losing one person to suicide is to many.

It’s become very clear to me how important the need is for me to continue to read, listen and research mental health topics and to interview mental health experts to bring meaningful conversations so anyone can listen in and learn more about the complexities of mental health and also help with bringing practical tips, words of wisdom to help anyone going through a tough time or who is interested in feeling better from within.

Naturally a cause of creating mental health podcast shows gains ZERO interest from the Main Stream Media and nor does Big Tech Boost this kind of content via their Algorithm how do I know? As I started my Mental Health Podcast Show at the Start of the Pandemic and still to this day nothing has changed.

As an example the media shared how a fitness influencer at the age of 34 stutters when she becomes anxious or nervous and this was the big news of today and reveal in our Australian news.

Yet No Support is given my MSN to promote my Mental Health Podcast so with the focus being on selling sex, body image, how much girl makes on Only Fans, I’ve now started a Go Fund Me Campaign to see if anyone would prefer to donate to my cause and campaign which is supporting me to create Mental Health Podcast Shows.

Feel Free To Read the below Go Fund Me Campaign Details to find out more.

Hi Everyone, it’s Yvette Le Blowitz here and I have started this GoFundMe Campaign for anyone who would like to support my Mental Health Podcast Show: Feel Good From Within.

I started interviewing Mental Health Experts & Self-Help Authors during the Pandemic as I really wanted to help others going through a tough time to not give up hope and to not feel alone, I also wanted people to discover ways to Feel Good From Within.

I have been creating all of the podcast shows and funding my Mental Health Podcast Show to Help Others but I thought I’d now set up a GoFund Me Page and Campaign incase anyone would love to see more Mental Health Podcast Shows created. With the money that is donated, I intend to use it to buy a new computer, laptop, lighting, equipment, use it for paying the monthly overheads of website’s, hosting, subscriptions, editing, content creation

Depending on how much money I fundraise if possible I’d love to get a studio backdrop, plus promote the podcast show to help get the podcast show out so I can help raise mental health awareness as I would really love to reach more people so they can listen to these really meaningful conversations.

As you know the Media primarily shares news about Conflicts, Wars, Politics, Crime, Celebrity’s, WAGS, Reality TV Stars, Entertainers, Pop Culture and at times it’s mostly only negative things that often cause even more conflict and division in our communities via social media apps. The Reality is the News doesn’t share any usual Tips to change your life and that’s a real concern but that’s when podcast shows now step in.

Some of the Media Outlets also only cover stories like How Much Girls are Making On Only Fans this is published on their news websites, promoting Only Fans and inspiring other girls and people to follow this money making trend.

Throughout the Pandemic and even now, I’ve not been contacted once by any Media Outlet and they haven’t expressed any interest whatsoever in running a story to promote those creating Mental Health Podcast Shows to help others during a mental health crisis.

So with that in mind, I guess you don’t have to be a Rocket Scientist to Figure out that what the Values of Mainstream Media is currently about ~ which is promoting whole much girls are making on Only Fans vs which girls are creating mental health podcast shows to help others.

One would assume that Mainstream Media is being used to inspire and influence young girls to start up their Only Fans Account vs promoting any other role models to young girls which on the flip side is to read, research and to interview people to share more meaningful conversations that can help other people Vs selling sex content.

I have now started my GoFundMe fundraising campaign and page to cut through the noise and the sex sells trend.

If you feel that supporting Mental Health Awareness Content Creators is more important than Supporting Only Fans Creators • and if it’s within your means feel free to donate to my fundraising campaign which will help in the creation of mental health podcast shows with the hope that it could help transform or save a life.

This is a power to the listeners, audience and people grass roots mental health podcast show movement with a collective passion, interest and Mission of helping others to feel good from within.

I am now hoping thanks to you, that together we can make a real difference by helping to get more meaningful mental health conversations out into our communities.

Feel free to listen to an episode of Feel Good From Within with Yvette Le Blowitz on any podcast app and if you feel that this kind of content creation is worthwhile supporting you can now do so via my GoFundMe Campaign.

Each Podcast Episode the guest shares practical self-care tips and words of wisdom, along with insights into their self-help book and topic of expertise, personal and professional knowledge and experiences.

If it’s not within your means to donate that’s ok, as I would still love for you to listen to an episode and I would love for you to be part of the show.

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