From a fellow Anon .. 🎯 (Check Description)

1 year ago

This exchange is a good representation of the state of “journalism” in our mainstream media, ICYMI Sunday. Steve Scalise vs lifelong douche and former/current Democrat operative George Stephanopoulos on the 2020 Election.

The deranged lunatic asked Scalise SEVEN TIMES - cAn yOu sTaTe uNeQuivOcAlLy tHat ThE 2020 EleCtiOn wAs nOt StoLen?

Look how mad he gets when Scalise won’t feed into his bullshit 😂

Scalise gives logical responses, saying states didn’t follow their laws per the US Constitution. But of course George’s only response was to keep repeating his talking point.

These propaganda shills are an absolute embarrassment to journalism.

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