Challenges of Combating Terrorism in Australia: One Nation's Perspective

10 months ago

Challenges of Combating Terrorism in Australia: One Nation's Perspective
Pauline Hanson's Please Explain

Recently, there have been terrible acts committed by Hamas Islamic extremists that have made us aware of the ongoing threat of Islamic terrorism in Australia. Some individuals in our parliament openly support these terrorists, which is deeply concerning. We should firmly reject any public support for such acts of terror within our country.
Well, Ok, let's break this down: 0:08 Palestine has been defending it's self from a psychopathic, homicidal Zionist Death Cult known as Israel since 1946, financed and backed by Britain! Just who is the Terrorist here? Palestine natives fighting, defending their homeland bravely and heroically for 75 years, or Israeli extremist/terrorists which blew up the King David Hotel in 1946 and everything in Palestine since? Every thing that Pauline has said, Israel has been doing to the population of Palestine, including Christians since 1946! Including torture! Israel has been illegally capturing Palestinians, women and children since 1946. Currently there are 5000 people in Israel being held against their will will no sentence for years! 0:26 Atrocities committed by Palestine? Again, a country is allowed to defend it's self against an invading country! (by Pauline's logic, if Australia was to be invaded by another country, Australia would NOT be able to defend it's self against that aggressor. Fighting back would be termed a terrorist act!!! Well Phuk Me) 0:27 Supporting a country against an actual Terrorist organisation is the right thing to do! 0:43 Again, supporting those who are fighting against a psychopathic Zionist Death Cult known as Israel is a good thing and totally Australian! What sort of ideology stops protests and locks them up or deports those who protest again??? 0:58 There absolutely should be opposition to a a psychopathic Zionist Death Cult known as Israel! Those who support Israel are supporting war crimes and crimes against humanity. * Israeli war crimes but not limited to- Apartheid, genocide, ethnic cleansing, indiscriminate bombing of civilians, torture of civilians, murder, withholding water, food, electricity, medicine, removal of people from the legitimate houses and occupying them. It's fascinating watching so called intelligent members of Parliament stoop so low as to support Israeli atrocities which have happened every day since 1946! 0:07 You would not have organisations like Hamas, Isis or Hezbollah in the first place if the Balfour declaration was put in place, you would not have Isis if the Sykes Pico agreement was put in place, (they are probably illegal in the first place) these organisations and countries would be at war with anyone!? Again, just who are the Terrorists here? 1:26 One Nation has been supporting Israeli atrocities, war crimes and human rights abuses for a very long time, please note that. 1:42 Israel wants to gas the tunnels of the freedom fights of Palestine, how Ironic? But it's OK for Israel to do it right guys:) ? 1:50 Would that be because the world calls Palestinians Terrorists for fighting for their very survival against a psychopathic Zionist Death Cult known as Israel since 1946 ? And Australia would not do the same???? Phuck OFF... of course it would, and by any means! 2:10 Yes Pauline, it's this kind of immensely ignorant rhetoric that supports Israeli atrocities, war crimes and human rights abuses, see **, that keeps the world in a constant state of War! 2:19 Should be "Convicted Palestinian Freedom fighter", and probably should not commit war crimes, atrocities and human rights abuses see ***, upon another country then if you don't want them to fight you back!? When you do, expect them to fight back! This is why One Nation will Never be in Office! 4:09 You don't want actual refugees from an actual war torn country that are fighting for their freedom for 75 years? Your National Socialist colours are shining through Pauline!!! 4:52 Know your history, Israeli's has been doing this since 1946 and much, much worse. Where has there been any out rage and disgust for Israel committing see ** with impunity for 75 years??? Nothing was said about that, you're Pauline???? 5:15 Damn Right I stand up for the Palestinians, I speak out against a a psychopathic Zionist Death Cult known as Israel, which has been committing (but not limited to) Apartheid, genocide, ethnic cleansing, indiscriminate bombing of civilians, torture of civilians, theft, murder, withholding water, food, electricity, medicine, removal of people from the legitimate houses and occupying them for 75 years!!! Which One Nation supports see***. Is supporting Apartheid, genocide, ethnic cleansing, indiscriminate bombing of civilians, torture of civilians, murder, withholding water, food, electricity, medicine, removal of people from the legitimate houses and occupying them even legal??? The psychopathic, homicidal Zionist Death Cult known as Israel, is an aggressive illegal occupier! Never forget that!!! 5:58 I bet One Nation also supported the Apartheid era in South Africa too???? 6:22 Antisemitic... Israel is being antisemitic by bombing Palestine since 1946! Israel has also bombed Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, all Semitic peoples. Why do Israeli Zionists exclusively think they are the only Semites or speak exclusively for other Semite speaking peoples? Your welcome :) 6:39 Remember...Israel is the aggressor and illegally occupying Palestine since 1946, not the other way around Pauline omfg!!! The only hatred being peddled here is by One Nation supporting Israeli war crimes and human rights abuses which have been going on for 75 years, but all those atrocities don't count hey Pauline? 6:55 Wait, what? You're initialising more Neo National Socialism ideology upon Australia now??? I could keep going at this point, please look up all points in the above.
Thanks for reading :)
Further reading -
Who funds AIPAC? Who does AIPAC lobby?
Jewish nationalist movement, Zionism in Berlin - Theodor Hertzil 1880 virtues of a Jewish state - Judenstaat Versuch moderned losung der judenfrage
The Keren Hayesod
Chaim Weizmann
Baron Abraham Edmond Benjamin James de Rothschild
American Jewish Congress (AJC) umbrella, PZEC
The London Zionist Conference of 1920
Berlin - The Brandeis-Weizmann Dispute
British Zionists and the Jewish National Home
Stuart Cohen, English Zionists and British Jews: The Communal Politics of Anglo-Jewry, 1895-1920
Zionist Congress: First to Twelfth Zionist Congress (1897 - 1921)
Al-Nakba: The Palestinian catastrophe - Episode episodes 1-4
Shocking insight into Israel's Apartheid | Roadmap to Apartheid

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