(38) The Kingdom of the Seven Klein Bottles

1 year ago

[Chapter 38: The Kingdom of the Seven Klein Bottles]

A “Klein bottle” is a four dimensional shape that can paradoxically exist in three dimensions. This is similar to how an “infinity sign” or “8” is a three dimensional path that exists in two dimensions. The “infinity sign” or “8” turned sideways would not intersect itself if the third dimension were present in a way similar to a highway onramp being elevated to go over a road below it using the third dimension. In four dimensions the Klein bottle would not have to intersect itself, but in three dimensions it does.

When you cut a Klein bottle in half, you would topologically get something analogous to two “Mobius strips”. A “Mobius strip” is formed by taking a long strip of paper folding one end a half turn and then taping it to the other end of the strip (if you did not fold it the half turn, it would be a cylinder).

A Klein bottle can be formed by taking a hollow torus donut shape, tearing it into a hollow cylinder, taking one end of the cylinder and using it to puncture hole through the cylinder, pulling it through the interior of the cylinder, and connecting the circular edge to the other circular edge to make a closed surface. If you did not puncture a hole through the cylinder, it would be just torus when you connected it again. The Klein bottle is paradoxically a closed surface with only ones side; it doesn’t have an inside or outside because you can get to every part of it by traveling along the surface without going over an edge.

There was a King who developed the technology to make self-replicating inhabitable space stations. It was like having living planets that acted like organisms that could harvest resources and “give birth” to other living planets when its population got too large. The King used Klein bottles as a shield or “open membrane” to protect the space stations from fast moving space debris while still allowing spacecraft open access to the space stations by traveling through the funnels. The King wanted to have pre-planned intentional redundancies as a precaution incase a large moving object were able to shatter and compromise any one of the Klein bottle shielding. The King fused seven Klein bottles together. There was a “middle” Klein bottle whose circular opening was fused to six other “outer” Klein bottles equally spaced around it. The six outer circular openings were tangent to the middle circular openings, and they were all the same size.

The King was the ruler of the space-station protected inside the middle Klein bottle, which was called the “Diamond Kingdom”. The King was married to six Queens; each Queen ruled over a space station protected inside its own outer Klein bottle. The “Peach Kingdom” was ruled by a European Queen with blond hair and blue eyes. The “Emerald Kingdom” was ruled by an Irish Queen with reddish brown hair and green eyes. The “Mango Kingdom” was ruled by a Pacific Islander Queen with black hair and brown eyes. The “Ruby Kingdom” was ruled by a Latin American Queen with dark hair that had been bleached blond and brown eyes. The “Grape Kingdom” was ruled by an Italian Queen with brown hair and brown eyes. The “Sapphire Kingdom” was ruled by an Asian Queen with black hair and brown eyes.

The “Diamond Kingdom” generated a magnetic field that deflected incoming charged particles to protect the entire “Kingdom of the Seven Klein bottles” from the Sun. The magnetic field also attracted some asteroids that had large deposits of iron. The “Kingdom of the Seven Klein bottles” was a mining operation to harvest resources as it traveled through the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. When the kingdom got too big, people would move to the “Diamond Kingdom” for it to “give birth” to new kingdoms by ejecting the middle Klein bottle and building a new one in its place. The ejected middle Klein bottle would then build six outer Klein bottles around it and then do the same “birthing” procedure when it got too overpopulated.

After most of the valuable resources of the Asteroid Belt were harvested, the excess material was put into orbit around the Kingdom of the Seven Klein Bottles until it gravitationally collapsed into a planet with a gravitational field comparable to Earth while still being protected by a magnetic field generated by the “Diamond Kingdom”. The new planet was given an atmosphere, the surface was terraformed, and it was seeded with living organisms to make sustainable biosphere. All the space stations that were formed pushed the new planet into a stable orbit around the sun. The reaction force pushed the space stations out to the Kuiper belt where they continued their mining procedures.

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