(37) Millennial Kingdom

10 months ago

[Chapter 37: Millennial Kingdom]

During the millennial kingdom, the Victor ruled the Earth with a rod of iron. It was like a fascist regime except that paradoxically the people had rights. If anyone violated the laws of the Victor, there were swift harsh punishments. For all capital punishments, the convicted criminals were immediately cast into the lake of fire. There was a new renewable energy source that was a new type fusion reactor that looked like it was powered by fusion and stored energy using antimatter. The fusion reactor sent its waste heat into a different dimension, which was called the “lake of fire”. The fusion reactor seemed to violate the 2nd laws of thermodynamics because the fusion reactors didn’t heat up the environment, but actually the entropy was being sent into the “lake of fire” dimension. Once a year the nations would go to Jerusalem to worship. If any nation did no go, no rain fell on that nation for the entire year. The Victor was a benevolent dictator, and I am not just saying that so I will not be thrown into the lake of fire. The tree of life returned to Earth located in the cubic city of New Jerusalem. The leaves of the tree had medicinal properties that were used to cure every type of disease. The tree of life had branches grafted onto it with 12 different types of fruit. A different type of fruit became ripe each month. The fruit of the tree of life contained a special substance that capped the telomeres in the DNA. Anyone who ate of the fruit never aged. People who died at the age of 200 years old were said to have died as youths. In the antediluvian day of Adam to Noah people lived a little under 1000 years. Apparently there were special genes that allowed the mouth to secrete a chemical that prevented tooth decay. These special genes were deactivated in the past and went dormant. The fruit from the tree of life reactivated all of the dormant genes that helped prevent aging and decay. Before the Victor arrived the scientists told the people they only used 10% of their brainpower. This is because there were dormant genes that enhanced their brains’ abilities and they were designed to live 10 times longer. There was no disease, no crime, and extremely long life-spans. Everyone looked to be of an age between 25 to 30 years old in appearance.

The Victor instituted a form of capitalistic feudalism on Earth for 1000 years. A temporal reception device is used for “real time” instantaneous interstellar communication. The epicenter of the kingdom of heaven was about 1000 light years away in the direction of the belt of Orion. The epicenter of the kingdom of heaven had temporal reception devices and records that can see all of time from the everlasting to everlasting. Messages that were sent from the kingdom of heaven would take 1000 years to reach Earth. The temporal reception device was used to relay the message that would be received 1000 years in the potential future back to the present. The caveat is that the temporal reception device has to be running for the entire 1000 years. The millennial kingdom was set up on Earth to protect the temporal reception device to ensure the messages that the Victor used to win the temporal war were not compromised. The Enemy was imprisoned during this time to protect the temporal reception device. After the 1000 years, the Enemy was to be released as a “honey-trap” to identify and destroy all remaining rebels resisting the Victor’s reign.

Because of temporal reception devices, the winner of an interstellar war is known even before the invading forces arrive. Messages are received before the invading forces arrive via temporal reception devices. The messages can be displayed using light holograms and speakers systems. The messengers are called “angels”. The local population was also recruited to conduct psychological operations to make the people more receptive to the Victor’s arrival. The Victor arrived in a scout vessel about 7 years ahead of the main fleet. All of the members of the local population that were recruited were caught up to meet the Victor in the clouds. Even people who had died before the Victor’s arrival were resurrected using the backup copies of their mind stored in the center of the Earth. Chaos ensued on the Earth for about 3 years and 6 months until the Enemy took control of Jerusalem. The Enemy controlled the Earth for about 3 years and 6 months until the Victor’s main fleet arrived and having the “higher ground” easily wiped out all resistant using the 7 seal, 7 trumpet, and 7 bowl judgements. Messages that were received thousands of years ago incorporated into Daniel 12 confirm that once the Enemy takes control of Jerusalem and sets up the abomination that causes desolation in the 3rd Temple, there will be 1,290 days until the Victor’s fleet arrive. It will take an additional 45 days to restore order to the Earth and terraform it using self-replicating technology. It takes only 1000 years to authenticate a message and ensure it hasn’t been compromised, so we know this message in Daniel 12 is reliable.

During the 7 year period, there were people who finally came to their senses and defected to the Victor’s side. Everyone’s mind has a backup copy stored in the center of the Earth. The machine nested in the center of the Earth is also what is responsible for sustaining the Earth’s magnetic field. The Victor can use the backup copy to resurrect everyone who has their head removed by the Enemy. The Enemy instituted a “Mark of the Beast” in the right hand or forehead of everyone. The Enemy used oil shortages and economic sanctions to force all the global new world order nations to implement the “Mark of the Beast” on its citizens under economic duress. Anyone who didn’t receive the “Mark of the Beast” was not allowed to buy or sell any goods or services. The Enemy had been for years using vaccinations, Tuberculosis tests, and tattoos to make the population more receptive to prime the population and make them more receptive to receiving the “Mark of the Beast” in their right hand or forehead. The “Mark of the Beast” had one type of nanotechnology in it that would rewrite the person’s DNA in all their cells and another type of nanotechnology to alter their memories to implant dormant triggers that would cause them to rebel against the Creator and the Victor. When the Victor arrives everyone who has taken the “Mark of the Beast” will be thrown into the lake of fire and tormented for all eternity. Everyone who is beheaded for not taking the “Mark of the Beast” was resurrected by the Victor and lived during the Millennial Kingdom. There was also a remnant of Jews sheltered in the mountains by the Victor who were used to repopulate the Millennial Kingdom.

Those caught up to meet the Victor in the clouds were given the choice to either immediately get their new immortal bodies or whether they will wait until after the Millennial Kingdom to get their new immortal bodies. The immortal bodies have special “super powers”, but they lack the power to procreate. We had all eternity to use our immortal bodies, so waiting an extra 1007 years wasn’t an irrational choice for those who wanted to procreate and raise children and families in the perfect family-friendly environment of the Millennial Kingdom.

The recruits that were caught up into the Clouds with the Victor returned with the main fleet after 7 years. Before the Millennial Kingdom, the Earth underwent a World War involving biological weapons. Everyone knew this war was coming. They even made a movie called World War Z to commemorate it and hide the fact that it was imminent. The kingdom of heaven sent messages warning of it thousands of years ago in Ezekiel 38-39 and Zechariah 12-14. A biological weapon was released to combat the 200 million man army that came against Israel, which turned people into zombies where the people’s eyes would rot while they were still standing. This was all recorded in advance in Zechariah 14:12 and Revelation 9:16. After the World War Z, implementation of the “Mark of the Beast”, 7 seal judgement, 7 trumpet judgements, and 7 bowl judgements mankind was an endangered species. Mankind was more rare gold, which was forewarned in Isaiah 13:12.

Even after the Victor resurrected all the people who had been beheaded there was still a male shortage. Either by design or coincidence the Enemy had tricked a lot of the male population to not defect to the Victor’s side. After most wars the males are the higher casualties and females are in larger numbers as the remnant. After the temporal war, there were about 7 females for every 1 male that survived or was resurrected as the remnant. Polygamy laws were instituted that allowed every man to have up to 7 wives. The women worked and earned their own money, food, and clothing. There was a stigma against women who did not have children, so they all tried to find a husband who would give them conjugal rights. This reintroduction of polygamy to combat the male shortage was received in messages from the kingdom of heaven thousands of years ago in Isaiah 4:1. This reintroduction of polygamy was hinted at in Luke 18:28-30.

Before the Millennial Kingdom many people falsely believed that the Bible banned polygamy. The Bible indicates that monogamy is usually more beneficial than polygamy in most cases but the Bible does not outright ban polygamy except in the case of religious pastors such as deacons or overseers. The Bible only bans a specific type of polygamy, which is the marrying of sisters simultaneously as rival wives. Jacob (Israel) was a cautionary tale of how marrying sisters as rivals can cause strife. The Bible bans marrying sisters as rival wives as some of the Muslims practice (Leviticus 18:18). Jacob (Israel) was grandfathered in before the rule banning the marrying of sisters went into effect.

The Bible does ban the multiplication of wives, which was the practice of kings to have hundreds of wives (Deuteronomy 17:17). Solomon was the wisest of all kings but his one downfall was multiplying wives (2 Chronical 11-12). Solomon had hundreds of wives, which turned his heart against the Creator toward demonic idols (1 Kings 11:1-13). The Beast System pretended to have the wisdom of Solomon, so it used the number of Solomon 666 as a counterfeit (1Kings 10:14, 2Chronicles 9:13, Revelation 13:17-18). The Bible indicates that in most cases it is beneficial for a government to make polygamy illegal. If the government has made polygamy illegal, the Bible is clear that everyone should obey that law. However in the case of a disproportionate amount of women after a war, it is permissible for a government to reinstitute polygamy for the general population. The Bible does indicate that it is a recommendation but not requirement for unmarried widowers to not seek more wives (1 Corinthians 7:8). What is ironic is that the Bible also indicates that the religious pastors should have a wife and exactly one wife. If they cannot govern their own household, how are they to pastor the Church (1Timothy 3:5)? Before the Millennial Kingdom, the Catholic Church abandoned this recommendation that the religious pastors should be married exactly once, which means they should either be married to one wife or be a widower from their one marriage. This led to pedophilia and homosexuality infiltrating the Catholic Church, which are considered abominations by the Bible (Leviticus 18:22, Deuteronomy 22:5, 1Corinthians 6:9). The Enemy tricked the Catholic Church into adopting many doctrines of demons that went against the teachings of the Bible. The Catholic Church banned its pastors from marrying and gave them blasphemous titles such as “Father” or “Holy Father” in violation of what the Bible says to give no one on earth the title of “Father” because we have only one “Heavenly Father” (Matthew 23:9) . It is fine to call the person who raised your father and to call him Father, but it is blasphemous to give a religious pastor on earth the actual title of “Father” or “Holy Father”. The Catholic Church started introducing false doctrines such as calling Mary an “ever-virgin” when the Bible is very clear that Joseph and Mary consummated their marriage after Jesus was born. When Jesus returned to his hometown the people even mention the biological offspring from Mary and Joseph consummating their marriage, which is recorded in Matthew 12:46-47. Jesus acknowledges that he has a biological family, and then Jesus calls everyone who does the will of the Father in heaven his adopted spiritual brothers, sisters, and mother to show that he doesn’t show partiality to his biological family. When Jesus returned to his hometown, the people mention the biological offspring from Mary and Joseph consummating their marriage when they mention the half-brothers of Jesus by their first names “James, Joses, and Judas, Simon” and say “Are not his sisters here with us?” (Mark 6:3). The Bible is very clear that the Holy Spirit (not Joseph nor any other human being) is responsible for providing the “Y Chromosome” Jesus had, Jesus was male, and Mary remained a virgin until after Jesus was born (Matthew 1:25). The Catholic Church says blessed is the womb that bore Jesus, and Jesus says to rather say blessed is the one who hears the word of God and does what it says (Luke 11:28). The Bible does not record that Jesus had any biological offspring, but Jesus had relatives who were descendants of his half-sisters and his half-brothers James, Joses, Judas, and Simon. Jesus probably did not procreate because he may have only had 24 chromosomes, which were 22 non-sex chromosomes from Mary, one X chromosome from Mary, and one Y chromosome from the Holy Spirit. If Jesus had 46 Chromosomes, the Holy Spirit would have either provided and additional 22 non-sex chromosomes or extra copies of Mary’s 22 non-sex chromosomes.

The Creator used figurative language when dealing with complex conceptions such as Chromosomes with Adam. The Creator was dealing with people who had a more primitive simple language that could not deal with the concept of Chromosomes. The Creator used “ribs” as a metaphor for “Chromosomes”. Monkeys and other primates only have 2 sets of 24 Chromosomes but humans such as Adam only have 23 Chromosomes. The Creator removed a “rib” from Adam, which makes it so that Adam only has 2 sets of 23 Chromosomes. The Creator created Eve using the rib from Adam, which is a metaphor for how the Creator copied an extra X chromosome from Adam to create Eve. Adam contained all the genetic material to create Eve. The Creator took two cells of Adam extracted out the Y chromosome from one cell and inserted the X chromosome from the other cell to create a cell with two X chromosomes.

The Creator used his creation in the natural realm to be a metaphor for things that occur in the spiritual realm. Jesus died at the age of 33, so the Creator designed human beings with 33 vertebrae. The Creator has 4 living creatures present at his throne, so he designed human beings with one thumb to be a symbol for the throne and 4 fingers to be a symbol for the 4 living creatures. The Ark of Noah only carried 8 people, so there are 8 fingers total. The world was originally populated using 2 people, so there are two thumbs. The Creator is 3 persons but one being, so our eyes have 3 types of cone cells for seeing color and 1 type of rod cell for seeing brightness.

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