1 year ago

The Bantu people, also known as the Negroes, are reclaiming their lost Hebrew-Israelite origin, history, and heritage. This phenomenon is called the Bantu-Hebrew-Israelite Awakening. Skeptics believe this is a mere delusion and ignorance among these people.

They believe that this phenomenon opposes Christianity and Judaism, as they are the only religions claiming to be the legitimate descendants of Abraham. However, what people may not know is that Christianity and Judaism have suppressed the heritage of these people for many years. Christianity claims to have replaced the true biblical Israelites (Bantu) as God's chosen people.

Interestingly, the scriptures prophesied this religious deception as the Strong Delusion (2 Thessa 2:11) and the coming of False Prophets (Matt 24:11). So, the Bantu are not attempting to create an identity for themselves; they are actually fulfilling many prophecies by remembering who they are in these last days (Deut 30).

Therefore, this Hebrew-Israelite awakening is, in fact, the good news that the world has been waiting for, and it has begun to be preached worldwide as a witness before the end comes (Matt 24:14). Christianity has misrepresented the true Gospel of the kingdom.

In this video, we will uncover the mysteries of the ages as we delve deeper into a revelation that blurs the boundaries between religion, ethnicity, and biblical prophecy. We will discover what the good news of the kingdom truly is, especially in relation to the Hebrew-Israelite-Bantu Awakening.

#HebrewIsraelite #BantuAwakening

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