10 months ago

November 5/ 2023
President Trump Share Team Trump Campaign MAGA AD~^~We Want Trump~^~We Want Freedom~^~
*****TRUMP 2024~^~MAGA 2024*****

November 7/ 2023
White Hats Military Executes 250 Deep State Felons👨‍💼💂‍♂️👩‍💼⛓️🧑‍🚀🐝

The United States Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corp staff at Camp Blaz executed over 250 Deep State felons in October, sources in Guam told Real Raw News.

As reported in September, JAG hanged five of 100 physicians convicted of egregious COVID-19 crimes against the citizenry and promised to hang the rest when possible.

Those capital punishments, our source said, began on October 5 and ended on October 27, with JAG holding as many as 12 hangings a day. The punishments were overseen by either Admiral Johnathon Stephens or his representatives, who had the displeasure of hearing once defiant Deep State sympathizers suddenly beg for their lives atop the gallows, their pitiful wails crying out for mercy. At least half seemingly repented moments before they fell to their doom.

“It’s amazing how bold they are until they see the noose. It probably seems surreal to them until they feel it around the neck. Only then do they realize, at least a few, since a bunch of them have no problems cussing out the admiral as they’re teetering on the platform,” our source said.

JAG sent footage of their demise to the CDC, NIH, and Department of Health and Human Services, he added.

Also dead are the 160 of 165 Fort Drum soldiers who took part in live-fire wargames against cardboard and wooden cutouts adorned in MAGA attire at a plywood town near the military base.

Their Camp Blaz tribunal occurred on September 19 and saw their JAG-appointed counsel offer testimony that frustrated Admiral Stephens and the three-officer panel picked to weigh the case’s merits. Throughout an hour-long preamble, he insisted his clients were innocent because they had obeyed orders given by an officer and a senior NCO, and therefore could not be found guilty.

“A lapse in judgment is no crime. These are young men, some with families. To err is human,” the defense counsel said. “Superior misled them. That is the explanation.”

He could not, however, rationally explain why many of the accused had received from the Department of Defense $5,000 monthly stipends in addition to their base pay. He simply called the disbursements clerical and accounting errors over which the accused had no control.

That argument disintegrated when Admiral Stephens summoned five cooperative witnesses to the stand, each of whom confessed they were paid to join an “anti-Trump” coalition of the U.S. military in preparation for a future all-out war against President Trump and his supporters. They said they had sworn allegiance to President Biden and would kill on his command, saying, though, they had no idea who precisely authorized the payouts.

On multiple occasions, defense counsel called the prosecution’s witnesses “unreliable opportunists,” and he requested a mistrial due to an abundance of “circumstantial evidence.”

In the end, the panel sided with the prosecution and recommended the defendants be hanged by the neck until they were dead for committing treason and seditious conspiracy.

Their executions also took place in October, and a video was sent to the State Department.

Asked what happened to the five soldiers who cooperated with JAG, our source said, “They accepted a plea deal—15 years behind bars.”

November 7/ 2023
White Hats Military Chief General Was Shot With Heart Attack Gun⚡️🫀⚡️🧑‍🚀🔫🐝

Physicians at Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton have deduced that General Eric M. Smith was struck by a projectile moments before he had a heart attack a week ago Sunday, sources in the general’s office told Real Raw News.

Directly after the event, Marines at Walter Reed stood guard over the general as physicians friendly to the cause examined him, performed bloodwork, and administered EKG and EGG tests. The heart attack, our source said, stymied them because Gen. Smith was deemed a pillar of health and an exercise enthusiast who had twice placed first in the Marine Corps Commander’s Cup. His previous physical was in September, and his blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides fell within established norms. He had no history of Covid-19 vaccinations, and his blood was free of spike proteins.

Once stable, the general was taken to Pendleton for further evaluation. There, the general’s atypical myocardial infarction baffled the bevy of cardiologists and neurologists who, too, tested and retested him in hopes of rationalizing his collapse. They paid sedulous attention to the results but found nothing suggesting the general was a heart attack candidate.

A more thorough exam, however, revealed a small, circular bruise and a shallow puncture wound on the general’s inner calf, as well as a glass splinter embedded in his skin.

The general reportedly said bruises and bumps “come with the territory,” but he couldn’t explain the puncture wound. He did say he felt as if a “horse fly” bit him while he was jogging before the heart attack.

Medical technicians did another blood draw, this time checking for exotic toxins, and found traces of paralytic shellfish poison, which in concentrated doses shuts down the cardiovascular system and spreads to the victim’s heart, mimicking a heart attack and causing death within minutes.

Physicians concluded that Gen. Smith had been hit with a glass pellet that shattered on impact and delivered the poison into his bloodstream.

“Whoever made the shot is a skilled marksman,” our source said. “Gen. Smith was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, so the shooter wanted to hit bare skin. Hitting the backside of a man’s calf ain’t an easy feat. Right now, we have ballistic experts working to trace the trajectory and hopefully find out where the shot came from. Gen. Smith is lucky to have survived.”

October 26/ 2023
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October 18/ 2023
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