Driving with Dolores #1

1 year ago

Driving along long stretches of highway or along familiar routes, often we go into a light trance state. Alpha brainwaves are ideal for driving and connecting! In this episode I share some stories and communications from the other side, especially from Dolores Cannon. This video was originally a Facebook live video, where I took a few questions at the end.

*Partial Transcript*
And I started really sort of thinking about her. It is a good time to connect while you're driving and to anybody but certainly to Dolores, who is so accessible. She is so accessible. I am nothing special at all. I'm nothing special at all. Anybody can talk to her. Anybody can communicate with her. And she'll, she'll communicate back very often. And you just need to believe that she's doing it. And then that snowballs, so please know that.

So there's a few more things to talk about. And it's really funny because I even said to her, I said, Dolores, there's so many stories about you and driving, I can almost do a series.

The series can be called Drive, she said it. The series could be called driving with Dolores. And I said yeah, maybe it should be or maybe it's how you do it. But I got a little I got a little curious about this meaning. So there's a persistent concept whether or not this is true or not. And I think in some cases it is true. This thing that you can only connect when you're deeply deeply somnambulistic, or in your you're in this deep, slow low, brainwave state is when you make the clearest connection and get the most information or the the most accurate information or the most pure information there. Is that theory do? Am I going to tell you that theory isn't correct? No, I'm not going to tell you that there is, is is not correct. What I am going to tell you is I don't believe that that's the only way. And I also don't believe that you must have that deep, pure state in a session or any other time to have clarity and brilliant, beautiful connection. I think there's other things at play. And one of the conversations I'm having with Dolores about this idea of driving and making a connection like that.
*About Candace Craw-Goldman*
Candace Craw-Goldman is a wife, mom and grandmother, a healer, a dreamer and a writer of magical things. She is the creator of _Beyond Quantum Healing_ and _Quantum Connect_ – modalities that explore, expand and elevate our human consciousness. She is the founder of https://quantumhealers.com, a GURU-free community of Healers and way showers. https://quantumhealers.com is a multi-platform of support and services for practitioners that includes a world-wide public directory, censorship-FREE support forum and quantum healing courses for healers of ALL kinds. Candace began her healer’s journey as Dolores Cannon’s teaching assistant and created Dolores’ Original QHHT Support Forum in 2008.

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