Series: "Why Am I Not Doing The Thing?!" Do You REALLY Need More Motivation?

1 year ago

In this week on the Liberation Station, we continue with a series on “Why am I not doing the thing?!”

You know - the thing you KNOW is going to help you in your life, but you just can’t quite seem to get yourself to take action on it. We know this is a massive problem (in our own lives and in the lives of our clients) - so much so that we’ve created a whole series on it!

In this conversation, we talk about the inevitable "dip" everyone goes through when pursuing big projects, the tendency us humans have of making the already hard thing even harder and how to stop so you can have more ease and joy in your life.

So dear listeners, what part resonated most with you? Drop a message or a question in the comments section below and join in the conversation!

Sarah and Kirsty are here to make personal development relatable, easy to understand and most importantly - fun! Join us on a journey to reclaiming your truth so that you can live out your life's purpose.

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