Strawman – What Exactly is your Strawman and How was it Created? – Sacha Stone with Bibi Bacchus

1 year ago

This is the FULL INTERVIEW with a Detailed Summary -- Sacha Stone and Bibi Bacchus

– What Exactly is Your Strawman – How and Why was it Created?

Bibi Bacchus was framed by corrupt police working with a corrupt judiciary in the US. She was sentenced to 8 years in prison for a crime that never took place. She studied the highest form of law -- UCC Law or Uniformed Commercial Code Contract Law. She is now sharing her knowledge with us.

What Exactly is the Strawman? The Strawman is your name written in block letters - capital letters. It was done at birth and what the Government (Corporation) did was take the original birth certificate and made a second birth certificate with a trust called the Cestui Que Vie Trust which was from the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666.

Cestui Que Vie is French for 'he who lives.'

1666 was also the year of 'The Great Fire of London' a Babylonian Sacrifice by Fire.

A "Citizen of the United States" -- is a civilly dead entity operating as a Co-Trustee and Co-Beneficiary of the PCT (Public Charitable Trust), the constructive, Cestui Que Trust of the US Inc under the 14th Amendment, which upholds the debt of the USA and US Inc. Congressional Record, June 13, 1967, pp 15641 – 15646.

All living Souls are thus turned into fictions and are traded as human chattel on stock markets making profits for the 'Parent Corporation' and it odious middlemen, the Bankers.

The United States of America is a Privately Owned Corporation and you are a Bonded Slave of the Corporation.

For the corporation (Government) to interact with you, they have to interact with you as a Fiction. Corporations can only contract with corporations, not living people.

They made a Strawman. They call it a Strawman because it has no Soul and is Spiritually Dead.

Your mother has to register your birth, if she refuses she will have to go to court. They take the birth certificate that she registered as an informant, and they make a Duplicate in all block - capital letters. This is the creation of your Strawman as you, the living child is turned into a fiction. You are turned into a bond, into a trust with a value allocated to it.

This trust becomes a Warehouse Bond for money. A warehouse bond provides financial protection for individuals or businesses storing goods in a storage facility. The bond gives protection for any losses if the event the storage facility fails to live up to the contract terms.

Every human being that has a Strawman ends up being a Security that is Traded on the Stock Market and we never know about it. This has happened since the early 1900's and this is Fraud.

They take your child's birth certificate and they make it into a Dead Entity. This dead entity is your strawman and it is making $ Billions of Dollars for the corporation. If you go to court, it is your strawman name that is used.

Thomas Jefferson said: "If the American people allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless."

Murray Rothbard, and American economist said: "There can be no such thing as 'fairness in taxation.' Taxation is nothing but organized theft, and the concept of 'fair tax' is therefore every bit as absurb as that of 'fair theft.'"

Who is reaping the rewards from trading your birth certificate bond? The Federal Reserve, which belongs to the Royal Family.

What is the difference between your signature and your autograph? A signature is under the UCC which is the fictional strawman. The Autograph is the real living person.

Every time you sign your signature you are voluntarily complying that you are indeed a dead entity strawman of the corporation and they can withdrawal money from your Cestui Que Vie Trust. The Cestui Que Vie Trust is used for Discharging Debts. If you have a debt with a bank and you sign your signature on the loan, the top bank from where the money is truly loaned immediately can withdrawal that amount from your birth certificate bond – your Cestui Que Vie Trust. So, the loan really is immediately paid, right then and there with your birth certificate bond.

This is deception and it is fraud and it happens every day, all of the time, to everyone who is outside the inner circle.

The Court System: At the moment we don't have a court of law. We have a Color of Law. A color of law is fiction. When you go court you walk into a system where there is no law. Judges are really bankers. When you sign any papers in court, that is how the Judges and Lawyers are paid, it comes out of your Cestui Que Vie Trust.

Under the UCC there is a special way of signing without responsibility for your signature and if you sign this special way you will not be responsible for anything on the court document.

What is UCC? It is a set of codes that was set up over 100 years ago by lawyers. UCC is Contract Law. Everything you do is contract law. If you get a call from Direct TV and they want you to sign up for their service, that is contract law, you contract with them as they are corporation and you are a corporation. Once again, this is fiction and fraud, but it is how it works and hardly anyone knows this.

A stamped signature or a typed signature is considered signed under UCC Code Law. UCC Law is contract law and we are under contract law, no other law.

In America, the court system is operated under Military Law. The constitution does not apply to military law. Judges are trained in Scottsdale Arizona and to Reno Nevada to learn how to use UCC Contract and apply the fraud in the court room. Judges are just pawns of the system also. They were never taught correctly.

We think we own our vehicles when we have a Certificate of Title, but a certificate of title is NOT at title. When you buy a new car, you voluntarily give up your title when you signed the forms at the auto dealer. What you did was signed your title to your car to the state.

The Crown is responsible for pretty much everything that occurs in the USA as they own the USA. They set up the Department of Motor Vehicles to perform fraud on Americans. The only reason to have a license to drive a car is for commerce, like a taxi driver or an Uber driver or a truck driver. If you are driving for personal use, like going to work or going to the store or going to a friends house you are not required to have a license. There is NO law, but they tell you there is one. Policy Enforcers or Police Officers are run by the Corporate Crown. The police do not work for the people but they work for the corporation... of course they are lied to and they believe they are working for the people, but come on, it's getting pretty obvious these days as people are waking up to the organized fraud. Everything we have been taught, our parents have been taught, our grandparents have been taught have been based on the Fraudulent laws of the Corporation.

In common law, there has to be a victim to receive any form of punishment from the judicial system. Under contract law, you are punished for exceeding the set speed limits on roads. These are commercial penalties.

Birth Certificate Cestui Que Vie funds are discharged all the time for building roads without every disclosing where the money comes from, the people believe it comes from taxes, but the funds are transferred to make it appear this way.

Lawerence J. Peter - a former Canadian Educator said: "Bureaucracy defends the status quo long past the time when the quo has lost its status."

How to find your Birth Certificate Bond? You apply to the Federal Reserve for it. You will need the serial numbers and bond numbers off your certificate you can get it from the Federal Reserve and discover what you are really worth.

The average 50-year-old could have hundreds of millions of dollars in their Que Vie Trust.

The Federal Debt is FICTION. The money was pumped out of the people's Que Vie Trusts. They tell us what they want to tell us. They have their own propaganda machine called the Mainstream Media.

The Crown of England sets aside 1 lb of Gold for your weight at birth, so if you weighed six pounds, there was six pounds of gold set aside for you.

The British Empire just went underground, it is still operating in full force. It controls the International Bank of Settlements and all the other banks of the world. They ARE the Bankers. They are the Global Elite.

Once we learn UCC Law and learn how to make the Strawman yours and not theirs, then we can gain control. The strawman is yours.

Bibi Bacchus was running a very successful real estate business years ago and a corrupt policeman with an IRS agent walked into her office and said one of her clients that she was selling a house to was a drug dealer which she had no idea and they claimed she was receiving laundered funds. She was imprisoned for 8 years for something she didn't do and during this time she learned UCC Law. She knew she was innocent and she proved it with witnesses and they still put her in prison.

She wanted to know how they did it. She noticed that everything in the court room looked like an act in a theater. Like they were all just playing roles. Her lawyer said she would not go to prison. That wasn't true. She wanted to know how this happened. She had over $1 million of real estate paid for. She had plenty of money in the bank. There has to be something wrong.

For every single day while she was in prison for 7 years she studied UCC Law. Once in prison you are issued a Prison Bond, that is also traded on the stock market.

They are telling us that the prisons are going broke and have no money. That is a lie. They invest in prisons and make Hundreds of Billions of Dollars.

Bibi is starting an online education course to teach people about UCC.

Bibi Bacchus - Parking Ticket Example: You just came back to your car and you see that you were given a parking ticket. Parking tickets are a contract. You do not have to contract with them. You send the ticket back to them and tell them no contract. They will have to produce a contract for you to sign that says if you park somewhere that you are not supposed to that you will have to pay the ticket. When you write no contract on the ticket and send it back, they may respond saying if this is paid in this amount of time the fine will be reduced by 50%. Send it back and say I don't have to pay any as I don't have a contract with you. You can say "the person that you addressed is spiritually dead and has no soul, this is my strawman and I have not given you permission to use it to make money and there is a fine of $250 for every time that you use it. If they don't respond, send them a Default letter saying that "you are now in default for not responding". Then they sent Bibi a letter back saying that the account is closed you do not owe anything.

Mortgages -- the word mortgage means "Death Grip."

A mortgage is just a front, the first time you miss a payment the bank sends it straight to the insurance company affiliated with the mortgage company. They actually want you to miss a payment because the DON'T LEND you Money.

For example: You want to buy a house for $100,000 and you go to a bank for a "loan." You sign the application; they then monetize your signature by having a $100,000 discharged from your Que Vie Trust Treasury Bond. It is with this money that they "LEND" to you and they double dip to get you to pay back that money with interest.

Not so Fast. The really don't lend you anything. What they do is have you fill out paperwork and sign, it is the signature that they want. Then tell you that you have to have good credit and you may borrow and then they lend you a piece of PAPER that you sign with very fine writing on the back, so you sign that and they take that and they tell you that the funds will be ready in two to three days. The following day with your consented signature they go into your Quesui Vie Trust Fund and they get paid the $100,000. They NEVER disclose to you that they were PAID and the house is now yours. They come back and they have you sign your contract with the principal and interest and they flash that $100,000 on the computer screen. If you don't pay, they take the house. They don't want you to pay. They want the property.

Alloidium Title -- land held absolutely in ones own right and not of any lord or superior; land that is not subject to feudal duties or burdens. An estate held by absolute ownership.

Alloidial Title – property held in ones own absolute right without fees and duties payable to any Lord or superior.

In England, only the King could hold Alloidial Title to property. Everyone else paid Feudal Duties, they had tenure which was granted by the King if they were Loyal Servants, but could be taken away if they got out of line or out of the Kings favor.

After the Colonial War – the congress passed 13 laws for Alloidial Title guaranteeing that every man, women and child was to have alloidial title.

Ever hear of the saying “Every man’s home is his Castle?” That is because they OWNED the home and did not EVER have to worry about the Government intervening and taking it away because you didn’t pay property taxes. It meant we have the SAME Rights as the King!

We don’t have true alloidial title to our vehicles, our homes or our land. We are slaves, serfs, and peasants.

Allodium Title is important because you do not own the land. The land is owned by the Crown. The King of England owns all Non-Allodial land in the United States of America. They don't tell you that you are really renting it from them. If you are paying taxes on it, you do NOT own it. You are renting it.

The banks can take the houses as you are just renting that also and the Crown takes the land, they already have it though. You are just a mere user, a renter.

If you pay taxes on something that means you DO NOT Own it!!

When we reclaim our Strawman from this fiction, which indentured us, contracted us into slavery, how is it likely to play out?

It will only take about 1 million sovereigns to wake up and know what has been going on and then it will spread like wildfire. When people really realize the fraud perpetrated on the people they will be pissed off.

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