Rogue Vampire Saga: The Darker Side of Me Bk.1 ,The Human Side of Me Bk.2

1 year ago


"Should I call the police or ambulance?" T he night guard
of the building called after Aleksander once he realized it
was Miss Michaels.

"1 will call them once I get her inside!" he informed the
guard as he walked past.

Alek and Rickert finally made his way into the building
that Avery's loft was in.

Alek propped up his knee and press Avery between the wall and his body as he reached
into her pockets, getting her key, and opens her door.

After letting them inside, he re-gathered Avery in his strong arms and dropped the leash to let Rickert go freely inside her

He closed the door with his foot and used his vampiric speed to get over to the couch where he gently laid her down.

Alek started looking at Avery's wound on her head. Taking to
a knee beside her, he could see she was going into shock from the loss of blood.

Avery started shaking vigorously as the shock conquered her body. Knowing he had to act now, he decided the better place to put her is on her bed.

Picking her up, he used his speed to go up the stairs, to get her onto her bed where he could have more room to do
what he needed to do to save her.

Alek pulled off her ripped clothing and covered her up with her thick blankets.

Alek pulled off his shirt and, with his fingernail, made a
deep slash on his own neck.

Within a span of a few seconds his blood started oozing. With that, he then placed his neck to her mouth and begun feeding her his blood.

Alek knew that would be the fastest way to get blood back into her and replace the blood she had lost.

"Come on, my love, you have to take this!' he whispered softly as she started rejecting it and started coughing.;jsessionid=8B89DCDD22FC73EF050415501AB9ECCA.prodny_store01-atgap14?ean=9781536902006;jsessionid=8B89DCDD22FC73EF050415501AB9ECCA.prodny_store01-atgap14?ean=9781537309637

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