Divide & Conquer or Unite and Harmonise - A Violet Pill Special

1 year ago

A Violet Pill - Unity Teaching:
Part 1: Being a leader, preparing for the main feature (frequency) of your life, Heaven sent divine light balls of energy - put your hands up to receive:
Plus a teaching on Divide and Conquer vs Unite and Harmonise, referencing Marianne Williamson, RFK Jr, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley and more.
Dealing with your 'enemy' and healing the gap.
The Anti Christ consciousness vs Christ Consciousness - common misconceptions abound - both are energies not people - feed the one that serves love.
Messages from the cards, a sneak peak at 11:11 - I will be back again for that and a call for us to rise higher as many choose to stay lower.
Preview of future work on going off grid also.
Such a rich time to be alive to witness, shift and evolve - we succeed if we pull together.

Oracle decks: The Psychic Tarot of the Heart John Holland, The Christ Consciousness Self Mastery Oracle and The Archangel Metatron Self Mastery Oracle both by Amanda Ellis & Jane Delaford Taylor available at https://angeliccelestialcolours.co.uk/ under Oracle Cards

Healing and Connection Sprays: Teal Alta Major Chakra Spray, Rose Inner Child Spray, Rainbow Ray Upgrade and Expansion

To donate (thank you) https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/amandaellisthankyou

I am exhibiting at NEC Birmingham from 17-19th November - meet me and the team there!

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