Documentary History Lesson on Hitler's Nazis

1 year ago

This documentary starts in Costa Rica with the Banana Republic Wars led by Marine General Smedley Butler "the most decorated general in US History" leading US Marines into the Imperialist take over of over of Latin American Countries in interest of the Banana trade through United Fruit Company (Latin American Plantations). Butler later said he felt he was working for the Mafia when Prescott Bush and others offered him to remove FDR from office to overthrow the US Government. General Butler spilled the beans on them in a congressional hearing. The same Nazi control was never prosecuted for treason and hung as traitors by the US Congress. These same Nazis are now controlling Congress and billionaire leaders in Biden Open Borders Massive weaponized migration into USA turning American into a third world country full of street criminals, murderers, Mafia Drug Cartels, Chinese, HAMAS and other undesirables from over 150 countries crossing borders and flying into the USA to take over homes, kill slaughter the sheep, take their children for sex trade and most likely Nazi torture camps.

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