Go & Make Disciples #church #india #australia #disciplemaking #english

1 year ago

#church #india #australia #kingdomofgod #bornagain #believe #love
Bro. Andrew , was born in Ghana, west africa. He was born and raised in a devoted Christian family. Even though he was from a christian family, he did not received Christ personally. The family migrated to Australia on 2003.
One day when he was seeking for God in prayer, God spoke to him. The fear of God came in him and he understood what he has to do. He got water baptised in a church. But he was not filled with Holy Spirit when someone prayed for him.
He attended TLR PTS school ( https://thelastreformation.com/) and understand how he can be used more effectively for His kingdom. He has to move from different faith groups( churches) as God lead him. Now he is pastoring a fellowship. He is involve in making Disciples. He is training disciples to be disciple maker. He is working in a seculer job apart from his ministry.
You can follow Bro. Andrew's You tube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@kingdomgovernment7365
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bro.andrew.98
Our website- wearethekingdomofgod.co.in
our other channels- youtube@schoolfordisciples &
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/disciplemakerdipankarpaul/,

You can contact us for prayer. If you want to conduct discipleship traing seminner in your area you can contact us.
Contact no-+91 9581556507

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