EP. 82 🚩 BRL 1,300.00 with ASIAN GOAL in GOOD GAME for CORNERS: operating WITH TIPS and CONTEXT! ⚽

1 year ago

What's up, escantuber? My name is Tevo Soares and you are on the EscanTevo channel. One of the most popular markets in the sports trade focused on football is, without a doubt, the over goal, that is, that entry where we bet that there will be another goal in the match. However, many people who like this market (I prefer corner kicks) end up working with low odds entering too early in the match or with high odds entering so that two more goals are scored, not just one. Thus, we have two scenarios: on the one hand, an operation with no value odds and, on the other hand, a very risky operation. So what solution do I suggest for netball lovers? Just the middle ground. That's what I decided to illustrate in a didactic way in this episode. I will continue to prefer the ball in the corner.

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Guilherme Camargo, Willian Justen de Vasconcellos, Ruben Leija, SeppH, Thomas Serer, Giorgio Trovato, David Clarke, Mari Carmen Del Valle, Jeffrey F. Lin, Nigel Msipa, Jannik Skorna, Tania Dimas and Marco Mézquita. Thank you very much for providing the images for free on Unsplash.

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