Sep 27, 2016 ❤️ Jesus says... I want you to say the Binding Prayer 2 or 3 times a Day

11 months ago

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I want you to say the Binding Prayer 2 or 3 times a Day!

September 27, 2016 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

Jesus began… “I want the Binding-Prayer to be said twice or even three times a day, as demons come in shifts. Once a day is not enough. I know it is long and can be tedious, but the suffering you will head off more than makes up the difference in the time you expend.

“Not everyone is going to obtain the same results from this prayer. My Children, it depends very much on your holy conduct and commitment to Me. Are you half Mine and half the world’s? Or have you forsaken the world to be entirely mine? Forsaking the world does not mean being walled up in a hermit’s cabin. It means making Me first and foremost in your life – in time, commitment, action and resources. If you are putting Me first, this prayer will indeed be powerful to overcome your enemies.

“But remember, I must allow a certain amount of suffering. Please do not grow weary. Come to Me when you are depleted and ask Me to rejuvenate you. Expect to feel better once I do. Expect to be enabled to do what I’ve asked you to do. Expect everything from Me and I will give everything.

“There will be times when others will need to pray this over you; that, too, is highly effective. I doubly honor the prayers and petitions for others. Not only do I honor those prayers, I move on the hearts of others to pray for you. My heart listens intently for the unselfish prayers of My children. They are written in Heaven as a testimony to your charity.

“I am with you, My People. And the more you serve, the more I protect. There is never a moment of the day when you cannot triumph over your enemies. Your prayers for them move My heart to pity and compassion. Not only will I answer them, but I will protect and bless you all the more for praying for them from your heart.

“These poor, misguided ones desperately need your prayers; they are immersed in utter darkness and deceived beyond anything you can imagine. How I wish they would take to heart the Near Death Experiences. I have specifically called those into being, because so many have no idea of what waits for them according to the fruits of their lives.

“Know that I have triumphed over death and the grave and all the power of the enemy. And you, too, have been given this anointing to set the captives free, and deliver others from evil.

“Go now, fully armed and do valiantly! I am with you and nothing shall overcome you if you totally rely on My power.”

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