Heartwarming Talk with Cheryl Peifer | Foster Care and Adoption | Know and Grow

1 year ago

BONNIE: How is [it] for you when you have to let them go?

CHERYL: It’s, umm, heart wrenching…. There’s been times when I’ve collapsed on the floor, umm you know, because my heart was crushed…. but that’s part of it. I’m the adult. I can handle that with God’s help. We get through it. One of the things, a pet peeve I should say, is when people say, “I could never do that. I could never let them go.”

So, let’s back up. What does that really mean? So, are you saying you can’t handle your heart breaking. So, because you can’t handle your heart breaking, you’re not going to provide a…safe home for the child and nurture the child and love the child? Okay, is that what you’re saying? Are you saying that my heart is hardened because I can handle it and I’ve done it over 60 times?... I’m not sure what you’re trying to say, what you mean by “I could never do that. My heart would break. I could never give them back.”

BONNIE: I never thought of it, never approached it that way, that we need to be bigger than that, that it’s more important, that their needs are more important than a heartbreak we have to deal with.

CHERYL: I hope what they mean is, “I don’t know how you do it, it’s so hard.” But what we hear is, “I’m not willing to.”

This was part of our video and gives you a glimpse into the depth of the topic. I hope you will listen through the entire video and share it with others.

NOTE: This was recorded several months back, but it’s apropos since this is National Adoption month. Updates to the video - Cheryl turned 59 today! Ruby turns 9 tomorrow! Randy and Cheryl celebrate their 34th anniversary on the 12th! KP (Kayden) is now 18! Abby is expecting her first child next month! Hannah is now Dr. Peifer!

Thank you, Cheryl!

PA Foster Care: https://www.dhs.pa.gov/Services/Children/Pages/Foster-Care-PA.aspx
Overview of Children & Youth Services: https://pafamiliesinc.org/understanding-systems/office-of-children-youth-and-families/overview-of-bureau-of-child-welfare-services

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God bless you!

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