The Ringworm Children

1 year ago

In June 2017 a published report was released documenting medical experiments carried out on Yemeni Jewish children who subsequently “disappeared” Many of them who died due to these experiments, were autopsied without parental consent, the parents were not allowed to see their dead children, and no death certificates were provided.

Some children died due to the experiments and many were sold/adopted by Ashkenazi families without the birth parents’ consents. Parents were simply told their children had died. Israel Hayom also documented an experimental treatment on four malnourished babies who subsequently died from the injection of a “dry protein” created from plasma as well as an attempt to prove (using faulty assessments) that Yemenite children were of African descent by testing dead children for sickle cell anemia, again without consent.

Gida Yoseftal called Mizrahim/Sephardic Jews as 'primitive' and 'backward' Levi Eshkol called them 'human rubbish' and 'defective people' Nachum Goldman said on North Africa Jews 'a catastrophic immigration' This was all centered around the belief of Dr Shiba (later professor) who staunchly advocated the 'genetic supremacy of AshkeNazi Jews'

Operation magic Carpet, was a secret operation in which JDC planned, organised, and financed the passage of 48,000 Yemenite Jews from the British Protectorate of Aden to Israel. Between December 1948 and September 19, 1950, close to 450 flights were chartered, airlifting nearly the entire Jewish community from Yemen to Israel. Yemenite Jews crossed deserts, mountains, and borders, often on foot, in order to arrive in Aden, from where they were taken on the “wings of eagles” to the newly formed State of Israel.

They had never seen planes before, and to them, these were the “eagles” prophesised about in the book of Isaiah: “They will soar on wings like eagles” (Isaiah 40:31).

“You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself.” — Exodus 19:4

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