The Eminent Domain Takeover (Land Preserve Task Force or Farce?)

1 year ago

In 1972 a group of people foresaw the value of the land when Hollywood started displaying the Sedona/Verde Valley region to the world in many Western movies. Ranchers like the Hancocks next to the Bradshaws at the Bradshaw Ranch were not willing to give up their dream land so something had to change. It wasn't long before the Occultists, Satanists, and other like-minded people started to come into the region where strange paranormal experiences started to manifest and be reported by locals scaring residents.

"People then wondered as they do now what happened some 50 years later."

Seems strange that the once off-the-charts paranormal portals stopped opening after the government and others got what they wanted which appears to be the land.

Was this a "Land Preserve Task Force" or "Land Preserve Task Farce?"

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