Red Pill Lens Movie reviews: Spider-Man

1 year ago

Hey guys, I am a Red Pill nerd and this is my red pill lens movie review on Spider-Man, hope you enjoy.

Follow me on my other platforms link in the about page!

00:27 initial thoughts
1:32 first scene
2:49 second scene
3:55 harry intro
4:54 invisibility triangle
6:35 third scene
8:14 approach anxiety
9:21 uncle HEN
11:19 goblin
13:16 scarcity mentality
14:26 zoning
17:22 creep
18:18 dhv pt 1
20:34 4th scene
24:50 5th scene
26:46 Blue pill advice
29:20 beta widow
30:41 break phase
31:33 6th scene
34:00 jameison
35:22 peters identity pt 1
35:52 7th scene
37:54 black pill
38:55 8th scene
40:06 norman good dad
41:25 9th scene
42:22 last scene
43:38 peter accepts spiderman
43:56 outro

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