(42) Glossary42

1 year ago

[Chapter 42: Glossary42]

Temporal Abortion: Using time travel or temporal reception to change the timeline thereby intentionally or negligently causing harm to people. A temporal feedback loop that converges on an attractor would theoretically be the solution to the bootstrap paradox where the future and past seem to cause each other. Most uses of time-travel and temporal reception are used to retrieve information from the past and store it in an “isolated temporal safe” or “temporal quarantine” until the present so that it doesn’t casually affect the timeline through the butterfly effect in chaos theory. Our memories in our brain use this principle to send a message to the brain in the past to store memories it knows we are going to access in the present. It is possible for people in the present who have no knowledge of past events to change those past events using temporal reception because they are not casually connected. For example two people could work together to cheat on the lottery by making a plan ahead of time for the first person to wait in an “isolated room” until the lottery ticket numbers are announced. The first person would then send the winning lottery numbers back in time using temporal reception to the second person. The second person reads the winning lottery numbers in the past using temporal reception, buys the lottery tickets, and doesn’t inform the first person that they have won the lottery until after the winning numbers have already been announced. Because they two people do not casually affect each other until after the lottery ticket numbers are announced, it doesn’t create a causal paradox.

It has been determined that using time travel or temporal reception to alter the timeline to destroy one person to save 100 other people is as immoral as killing one healthy person and using the person’s organs to save 100 sick people through either organ transplants or scientific research to cure diseases. The only person with the authority to alter the timeline is the Creator (anyone else who alters the timeline without the Creator’s permission is as immoral as a serial murderer killing innocent people and donating their organs against their consent If a terrorist kills an organ donor the terrorist should still be punished even though the organs should be used to save many people. If a temporal terrorist alters the timeline the temporal terrorist should be punished but people within that timeline who give their permission can be used by the Creator to set things right or even improve things via butterfly effects side-effects to the alterations the temporal terrorists caused and promptings by the Spirit of the Creator.

Temporal Echo/Temporal Fossils/Vestigial Timeline: A timeline that was made obsolete through time travel or temporal reception, which often leaves lingering evidence of its existence through anomalous details called Temporal Fossils (due to temporal nodes from the previous timelines that cannot be removed via quantum eraser because they were already measured and recorded) and redundancies called Temporal Echoes. There are numerous vestigial timelines that are all obsolete like layer upon layer painted over; the historical-prophetic record of each vestigial timeline has been encrypted in layers so that each layer can see all the information from the previous layers. The lottery is used as a “honey trap” and “sting operation” to catch naïve temporal terrorists and trace them back to their headquarters because there is an encrypted record of all the lottery winners from all the vestigial timelines.

Temporal Bait and Switch: Using temporal reception to record fixed temporal nodes and then switch to a different timeline that has those same temporal nodes. In “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” there is a bait and switch from one Earth to another parallel Earth. In my timeline the lethal airborne virus biological weapon known as “COVID-19” resembled the television series “Last Man On Earth”. It was released in two stages: a primer virus had a sterilization effect that made people unable to reproduce so there would be no more “Children Of Men”, and the primer virus also had elements of the HIV virus to make people’s immune system unable to fight the secondary virus. The secondary virus was then released and killed most of the targeted population. However there is a top-secret temporal reception device known as the “Omega 13 device” located off-world 13 light-hours from earth, which is a fail-safe Deadman’s switch for global disasters; it is designed to activate and send information back in time to give an advanced warning of the global disaster. Due to the time delay on the Deadman’s switch, it should be activated in a matter of days. It is ironic that on the new timeline they will have to do fraud and psychological operations to make the COVID-19 seem like a lethal airborne virus as a Temporal Fossil because of the temporal nodes already measured. Everyone committing fraud and psychological operations are all still culpable pawns who will be punished for it and lose their eternal rewards from it. I have also gotten permission from my Creator to “un-create myself” and have my place in the timeline replaced with an innocent man filled with the Holy Spirit who will subconsciously be led by promptings of the Holy Spirit and butterfly-effect triggers by other people influenced by the Holy Spirit to recreate my life path temporal nodes without sinning In my timeline, I was an artificially enhanced human similar to “Captain America” (Steve Rogers was my quantum physics lab partner’s name in college). However my innocent spirited counterpart will have to recreate my life path temporal nodes using the power of the Spirit of the Creator. Since my innocent spirited counterpart is indeed innocent, he will have the legal right to destroy you all for the torture and slavery you have subjected me to, which he will also be subjected to through no fault of his own. It is rigged so that you all will be merciless monsters tormenting an innocent man instead of me. It will be too late by the time you realize that he is innocent and it is rigged against you My spirited innocent counterpart will the have the legal right to destroy you all for your fraud, perjury, gangstalking, torture, and human-trafficking, (which is my departing gift to you). The Creator just has to wait patiently for the different factions of evil terrorist parasites corrupting the timeline to mutually destroy each other. You thought that I was caught in your trap but you all were the ones caught in my trap I gain nothing and will have no profit from my trap according to 1Corinthians 13, but my spirited innocent counterpart will. You almost got me: Close But No Cigar. I am dropping out a trap door and my innocent spirited counterpart is taking my place, which is my “Prestige”. My spirited innocent counterpart will openly confess in court that Jesus Christ is his Lord and Savior and that he believes in his heart that God raised Him from the dead according to Romans 10:9, but the treasonous court will probably fraudulently alter the court documents because everyone in the room will be committing treason , which they will be trying to coverup (so it will correct itself quantum eraser style). You are all caught in a trap that is rigged against you like quicksand because the temporal nodes have already been measured; the more you try to stop it, the more butterfly-effect side-effects will just make it worse. Enjoy! Oh and by the way my innocent spirited counterpart will be writing this as a joke for his fictional book series “Temporal War Relics”, so don’t expect him to believe any of this fictional bullshit he is writing (people who don’t believe the Bible will believe anything but the truth); the best fiction incorporates an element of truth make it so realistic that you can immerse yourself in the fictional reality for entertainment and didactic purposes. The famous author C. S. Lewis (who died on the same day as the Catholic President John F. Kennedy) says that the person who tries to tell the truth no matter how many times it has been told before actually becomes the most original without even realizing it.

Copyright © 2019 201 Copyright © Chad Joseph Clawitter

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