(41) Epilogue41

1 year ago

[Chapter 41: Epilogue41]

In the television series “Travelers” there is a faction from “shelter 41”. In the television series “Star Trek Enterprise”, the key to winning the “Temporal War” involved “Tucker” and “Sphere 41”. The number 39 involves chastisement just short of judgement. The Victor received 39 lashes before he was crucified. The number 40 involves judgement in the Bible. It rained for 40 days when the world was flooded in the time of Noah. The number 41 might therefore have something to do with the mercy or pardon that comes after judgement. Is the sign of Jonah a resurrection that comes after a death? One thing we know about the Creator is that He is not above destroying His creation, but He is not wasteful; He allows souls to be lost only for specific reasons. There is no reason for the Creator to destroy His repentant children according to 2Peter 3:9. The Enemy uses “False Flags” trick people into rebelling against their Creator. “These things happen in war”, which is a quote from “Hunger Games” Mockingjay Part 2. Or did the makers of the movie use a temporal reception device to steal the quote from the words here to create a feedback loop that eventually stabilized on this quote as the final attractor? Do you think the makers of the movie used the names “Snow” and “Coin” to be symbolic of something?

It is impossible to win a war against the Creator. Even if the Creator were somehow coerced to grudgingly allow someone usurp His position, there is no guaranteed of “peace of mind” for the usurper. The Creator created everything, so the Creator is the only one with the “peace of mind” that eternity is going to turn out according to His plan. Anyone who tried to usurp the Creator’s position would never have that “peace of mind”. The Creator would have planted “mines” of “Pandora’s boxes” that would make eternity a living nightmare for whoever remained. Anyone who usurped the Creator would always have that nagging fear that one day one of these “Pandora’s boxes” were going to be opened. A created being can only have “peace of mind” for all eternity by choosing to trust in the Creator’s beneficial plan. The Highest status a created being can achieve is 2nd in Command, subservient only to the Creator and no other created being. The Creator might designate a created being the ceremonial title of “Honorary Owner” of His Creation, which may be called the “Left Hand” of the Creator. The Creator might designate a created being the power and authority of “Manager” of His Creation, which may be called the “Right Hand” of the Creator. However, the “Left Hand” and “Right Hand” of the Creator must be “One” entity with a unified will consistent with the will of the Creator.

The Creator alone is good and wise in its most perfect sense. Since the Creator is good, the Creator never intentionally creates evil to afflict His Creation, but merely reflects the evil they freely choose back on themselves like a mirror. The Creator uses kindness and truth as a weapon of public relations so that His Creation knows His beneficial motives and that it behooves His creation to freely choose to take His side in any potential conflict.

The Creator never lies because if His Creation cannot trust their Creator, they can trust nothing. If the Creator were to ever lie, it would create the terrible side effect of a seed of doubt that would grow on the scale of eternity into massive tree strangling His creation of their trust in their Creator, and thus their sanity. A lack of trust in the Creator leads to a lack of trust in the mind and brain the Creator created. A lack of trust in the mind and brain leads to a lack of trust in reality. A lack of trust in reality leads to insanity.

Trust in reality is different than trust in our perception of reality. We can trust the reality the Creator has created while being skeptical of the misconceptions we have been taught or assumed while living in a fallen world. The Creator does allow His forces to use some forms of indirect deception such as disguising angels as humans to blend in as recorded in Hebrews 13:2. The Creator never said he doesn’t use disguises and illusions. The Creator never said everything is exactly as it appears. The Creator never said the world He created wasn’t an illusion. On the contrary, the Creator seems to indicate this world is a temporary illusion that is quickly passing away in 1Corinthians 2:6, 1Corinthians 7:31, and 1John 2:17. The Creator never directly lies, but the Creator does allow His creation to deceive themselves by their own misconceptions and false assumptions.

The Creator never said everything in the Bible is 100% literal. On the contrary, many parables and figurative language are used according to Isaiah 6:10. The Creator never said He doesn’t use sarcasm. On the contrary, sarcasm is used in Zechariah 11:13 concerning the Victor being valued a “magnificent price” of thirty units of silver, which is only the price of reparations for an ox killing a slave according to Exodus 21:32. The Creator never changes, but His decisions can be conditional on other people’s changing free will choices. The Creator never said He doesn’t deliberately use “self-defeating prophecies”. On the contrary, the Creator uses a “self-defeating prophecy” in Jonah 3:4 resulting in a different outcome in Jonah 3:10. The Creator doesn’t lie when He makes a “self-defeating prophecy” because the caveat “unless you repent and change your decision” is implied. The Creator never said He has to prove He didn’t lie to confused people. On the contrary, the Creator allows for the misconceptions and false assumption of people who deceive themselves according to Romans 3:4.

It is wise to treat everyone who appears to be a human being in a beneficial manner while knowing that things are not always the way they appear. It is wise to treat human beings suffering difficult situations as angels in disguise according to Hebrews 13:2. It is wise to treat your neighboring human beings as yourself in disguise according to Leviticus 19:18. On the Day of Judgement, the Creator may send people back in time to relive the lives of their neighbors as a form of “punishment” for their own evil actions. This is the moment the evil people will have the epiphany that they have been literally attacking themselves according to Psalm 37:15. On the Day of Judgement, the evil people of this fallen world may be tricked into attacking other people as in the Black Mirror episode named “White Bear”; they will only later realize they are stoning themselves and should have listened to John 8:7. The Creator doesn’t create evil; the Creator reflects their own evil back upon themselves for people who choose evil instead of good. Often the evil gets reflected multiple times and echoes sevenfold according to Genesis 4:15, Psalm 79:12, and Proverbs 6:31. Evil is suicide and insanity; anyone who says differently is too insane to realize they are self-destructing.

Reality is a “zero sum game” for evil parasites/tares who are the vessels of dishonor. Reality is a “win-win game” for the good harvest/wheat who are they vessels of honor. The Creator is the potter and we are the clay; our choices in this temporary temporal life while we are still wet and malleable are what tell the potter to fashion us into a vessel of honor or a vessel of dishonor.

Without the Creator, we can only hack and reprogram what has already been created by the Creator. Reality for those rebelling against the Creator is a “zero sum game”. The soul tethers itself to a human body sometime between conception and the first heartbeat. We can only hack existing souls. We do not know how to create a soul. We only know the Creator creates souls and tethers them to human bodies after conception before the first heartbeat. We cannot transfer a human soul from one body to another. When a human dies the soul is released and goes to heaven or hell. Hell is like a jail to hold it before the trial and lake of fire. Nephilim are animal human hybrids created by fallen angels. Their soul/spirits doesn’t go to hell when they die but are released on parole as demons. Demons can transfer from one body to another (but not human souls/spirits). The ability to create souls and have mastery over souls makes the Creator the God (God is a title for master of souls). The fallen angels and demons pretend to be gods (immortal rulers) but they are not God (master of souls). God is able to do Alchemy for the different classes of natural and supernatural “substances” (i.e. minds, souls, living cells, matter/energy, and space/time). Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic (i.e. virtual reality simulations, self-replicating technology, time travel/temporal reception technology). You can harvest the resources of the universe using self-replicating technology. You can build a computer from the resources to create a virtual reality simulation that you have control over. You can use temporal reception technology in the virtual reality simulation to be able to time travel and be a god in it. However not matter how much technology you create, you will never be God (master of souls). The ability to create souls is supernatural and no amount of technology can create a soul (Only God can create a soul). Reality is a “zero sum game” for evil parasites who are rebelling against God; to cause the feelings of peace, delight, and pleasure in their souls, they have to steal creating fear, torment, suffering, and in other souls. It is like one battery draining another battery; the irony is that when they are receiving their “punishment” in the the lake of fire, their souls will be the “batteries being drained” to power the heavenly kingdom. The Creator allowed foolish people to choose evil, so their souls could be used as “batteries” to power the Heavenly Kingdom similar to the movie the “The Matrix”. Nothing can impede the plans of the Creator according to Romans 8:28. The people who try to mock the Creator ironically become the butt of His jokes according to Galatians 6:7. The Creator always gets the last laugh.

With the Creator, new souls can be created, new minds can be created, new living cells can be created, new matter/energy can be created, and new space/time can be created. With enough time and resources, I can reverse engineer everything except for the soul and the conscience mind. However, we are dependent on the Creator for the soul, mind, and enough resources to last all eternity. The only way to receive the knowledge of the soul and conscious mind is to humbly receive it as a gift from the Creator. The only way to receive enough resources to last all eternity is as a gift from the Creator. The Creator has refused to give this knowledge to Satan/Devil/Lucifer because of his pride. I can reverse engineer a subconscious mind but not a conscious one.

A subconscious mind would be like a computer or calculator. A subconscious mind would have a primary objective and auxiliary objects selected by a conscious mind. A subconscious mind would have limit parameters calibrated by the conscious mind. The conscious mind is connected to the souls, so it can set the threshold values for what the sensations the soul is capable of handling without psychological trauma. The subconscious mind would then act like a computer to calculate the best course of action to achieve the primary objectives and auxiliary objects in the most efficient way that keeps the limit parameters within the range of threshold values calibrated by the conscious mind. A subconscious mind would utilize an algorithm similar to a linear programming problem is to maximize a linear function subject to linear constraints (inequalities or equalities). The linear constraints might be like the maximum amount of pain/temptation a conscious mind might choose for its soul to experience. A weak “pansy” conscious mind might set the threshold constraints so that its soul experiences very little pain/temptation during its whole own temporal life (with fewer rewards and less auxiliary objectives achieved). A tough “warrior” conscious mind might set the threshold constraints so that its soul experiences spikes of large amounts of pain/temptation at times in its temporal life (with more rewards and more objectives achieved). Those who are allied with the Victor have their subconscious mind linked with the mind of the Victor according to 1Corinthians 2:16. The mind of the Victor keeps the pain/temptation values within the threshold values that your soul handle without permeant psychological trauma according to 1Corinthians 10:13. “Free will” seems to have something to do with the conscious mind choosing how to calibrate the threshold constraints of the algorithm resembling a linear program problem combined with temporal reception being used to know the outcome of different values for the threshold constraints being selected.

With the Creator, reality is like a computer with an unlimited amount of data. Reality becomes like a “win-win” game because more data can be created and shared with everyone. Even if there were a fixed amount of data, reality with the Creator would still be a “win-win” game because the Creator could use mathematics to find more efficient ways to utilize the data. Using mathematical tricks, the data can be used more efficiently finding ways to take advantage of redundancies to compress information into “seeds” that can “grow” into “trees” of information. The data can then be compressed and grown as needed. With an unlimited amount of data, a “time machine” program can be used to document everything; even the “deleted data” would have a backup copy within the “time machine program”. If there were a limited amount of data, deleted or irrelevant data could be slowly permanently deleted like an asymptote with the “picture” of the deleted or irrelevant data becoming “fuzzier” and “fuzzier” as time progresses. If the deleted or irrelevant data were to later become relevant, its “fuzzy picture” could be found and temporal reception could be used to make a note in the past to restore the “fuzzy picture” to its original clarity in a separate “restored folder”, which could then be retrieved in the present. Our “memories” in our brain may function in a way similar to this since we can only store a limited amount of data in our brains. When we try to remember things, our brains might actually be using temporal reception to tell our brains in the past to create a backup copy of the memory in the past for us to access in the present. As a high school physics teacher, I used weekly Quizzes to prompt my students’ brains to create backup copies of the important information they were supposed to learn that week. In quantum physics measurement changes the state of the system. Quizzes do not just measure learning; quizzes can sometimes retroactively catalyze learning in the past or retroactively impede learning in the past depending on how they are utilized.

Love is a “win-win game” where both players are on the same team and the opponent is the final frontier of a heartless void, an empty space devoid of compassion. With the Creator, “Love” is an unlimited resource. The different classifications of “Love” are “Agape”/Unconditional, “Storge”/Familial, “Phileo”/Friendly, and “Eros”/Romantic. The Creator created us out of “Agape” Love. The Creator made us His children out of “Stroge” Love. The Creator had the Victor reveal the plans of the Creator calling us friends and no longer slaves out of “Phileo” Love. The Creator betrothed us to the Victor via the Spirit of the Creator as the “engagement ring” symbolic of “Eros” love. Love can be expressed in many languages such as “Words of Affirmation”, “Gifts”, “Touch” (Hugs, Kisses, Pats on Back, etc.), “Quality Time”, and “Acts of Service”. We love the Creator, because He first loved us according to 1John 4:19. The famous author C.S Lewis wrote, “It is like a small child going to his father and saying, ‘Daddy, give me sixpence to buy you a birthday present’”. A “Love Sandwich” is where the Creator loves first, the creation returns love back to the Creator, and the Creator multiplies the love returned.

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