Ultimate Guide to Off Grid

1 year ago

Look: when I finished my research on solar energy, I knew that I had found a gold mine. The benefits are nothing short of amazing.

You won't need the grid.

In a survival scenario, when the power is down (God knows we've been through those a lot), or a nationwide blackout sends us back into the stone age rendering 21st-century technology obsolete, you'll be safe and sound in your own cozy home. Still enjoying a good movie with your loved ones, cuddled up on the couch eating popcorn like it's a Friday night.

You won't need the space:

The "SOLAR SWITCH" system needs only 5% of the surface used in conventional solar panel systems.

All because of its ingenious vertical design! Many of my friends have actually placed it on balconies, so you don't even need a backyard! Using less space means that it's easier to protect from looters and also easier to keep it a secret from a nosy neighbor!

Plus... There's no maintenance required.

Just put the system in a sunny spot a few hours a day for a full battery charge. Or you can just leave it in one place… forgetting about it for a whole year.

Probably the only time you'll think about it will be once a month when the mailman swings by to give an even lighter electricity bill filled with "best wishes" from your power company.

And the easy-to-use, no-maintenance "SOLAR SWITCH" system can provide you with another colossal advantage…

It gives you crucial time to do more essential things in a crisis.

While others will be busy dumpster diving for food, your "miniature power plant" takes care of itself. You'll have more time to protect your family… to learn a valuable skill you can barter with… or to be the "Angus MacGyver" of your community.

More and more people are discovering the joyfulness and peace that comes with Off-grid electricity.
click onto https://www.solarswitch4all.com/#aff=caninecouture

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