Full 3-Gun Match w/ 3d Stage Walkthrough and Flyovers: 8/27/2023

1 year ago

Here is our Full 3-Gun Match from August at LCSA in Brighton, MI.

This was a fun match with a couple really shotgun heavy stages that gave everyone not running open guns trouble.

Stage 1: The first bay had over 30 shotgun targets. I only have capacity to hold 28 rounds, so I was in trouble even before I missed a few shots! In bay 2 the activators required some faster movement and I missed those moving targets

Stage 2: Bay 1 was made tough by all the obstructed shots, as well as the double star not wanting to drop the plates when hit. I swear those weren't all misses with the shotgun!. In bay 2 I went one shot on the clay with my rifle, which was cool, but my holds weren't right and I hit a couple of the no shoots up close.

Stage 3: Another silly mistake forgetting to turn my pistol's red dot on cost me some time, but other than that ran a solid stage

Stage 4: I went 1-for-1 on the shotgun. Ran the pistol well, except for not knowing my hold on the longest target. It was trial by error, but eventually got it. And the rifle went fine except for the spinner at the end. Thats a big penalty, and I haven't quite mastered getting those moving with the rifle.

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