Where to spend our Golden Age?

11 months ago

Alice: Nice catching up with you, it has been 5 years. We are now at the best stage of our life, the “Golden Age”, even better when we live in the China Greater Bay Area with pension from HK or US enjoying the safe and vibrant China economy, above all the buying power using HK$ or US$ with Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) of 2-3x in mainland China compared to living in HK or US. No wonder there are increasingly more and more Chinese Americans especially the first generation Chinese Americans now lives in fear in US because of Hate Crimes Against Asians, Asian Hates, High Crimes, Gun & Police Violence etc are planning exit strategies from the US. Many are now in the exploitation stage. We are here to give them a hand to help them to live their “Golden Age” in safety, peace and harmony and not in constant fears. At the same time we help them to stretched their HK or US pension dollar much farther than in HK or US. You have a choice to live your “golden Age” in the best of time or the worst of time. I think it is a simple choice for smart Chinese. 很高興見到你,已經五年了。 我們現在正處於人生最好的階段”銀髮年代”. 如果我們住在中國大灣區,拿著香港或美國的退休金,那就更好了. 享受安全和充滿活力的中國經濟,尤其是使用港幣或美元的購買力,購買力平價(PPP)在中國大陸是香港或美國的2-3倍。 難怪越來越多的華裔美國人,尤其是第一代華裔美國人現在在美國生活在恐懼之中,因為針對亞洲人的仇恨犯罪、亞洲仇恨、高犯罪率、槍支和警察暴力下生活, 很多正在計劃離開美國. 我們在這裡正在為他們提供幫助,幫助他們在安全與和諧的環境下度過他們的“銀髮年代”,而不是生活在恐懼之中。 同時,我們幫助他們利用港元或美國退休金在中國大灣區生活比香港或美國更好. 他們選擇在最好的地方還是最壞的地方度過你的“銀髮年代”。 我認為對於聰明的中國人來說這是一個簡單的選擇.

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