231105 Chris Has The Mic - UCP AGM Summary

1 year ago

Aaaaannnddd....[Cue the woke mob] Oh the humanity! The conservatives are coming!
Well, we had a great weekend at the UCP AGM. Thousands of freedom minded Albertans showed up, and won. Yes, small victories but victories nonetheless. While I don't agree with every policy resolution that passed, I'm very happy that some key points were addressed and became party policy.
The reason I don't agree with all the policy that passed is that some is not our provincial jurisdiction, it's federal. The beautiful thing about that policy, and many others that passed, is that the ONLY way we will be able to get those things that we want will be to stand independent of Ottawa.
The people of Alberta have spoken, and whether they know it or not, they're asking for Sovereignty. Sovereignty that is likely only achievable through independence.
Now, we will see heads explode. The woke mob, the loony left, and the establishment cronies are about to go absolutely NUTS! They'll be lying, they'll be slandering, the printed media will be thick with borderline libelous trash articles trying their very best to convince Alberta that the sky is falling. It's already started. Every person involved in motivating people to show up will be under attack, both personally and professionally, BUT- We have the one thing in our corner that they don't- the truth.
The truth is, the policies passed at UCP AGM 2023, IF brought into the legislature and made in to law- WILL drastically strengthen Alberta's position. We will prosper for it, and even those on the left who are, at this very moment screaming bloody murder will eventually see the truth. And the truth will set them free. Those who have identified the reality that Party Policy is not REQUIRED to be made into law, and that our legislators have leeway to decide what to bring to the House, we've also shown that if our elected officials do NOT make law to our benefit, as we demand, we will replace them too, because we will show up! Am I correct, Jason?
On the other side of the coin- the policies, if they make their way into law, will also make the Feds, and those who depend on entitlements at Alberta's expense VERY angry. The Federal government has, for the last 118 years been milking Alberta while ignoring our voices. It has benefited them tremendously to the tune of Almost 700 BILLION dollars. Dollars they've used to pursue unsustainable policy, and to buy favour with the east, the maritime provinces and the socialist elite across the globe. Alberta standing up for herself is a threat to the seemingly endless resources that continue to prop up an irresponsible, ideological Federal government that has moved to become our National government, contrary to the Canadian Constitution. As a result, It is very likely that the Feds will trigger a constitutional crisis and we need to be prepared. Freeland and Trudeau have even threatened, (thinly veiled threats,) to lock Premiers in jail if they stand up to the ideological, fairy tale Federal policy that's crippling the country!
We've had enough.
We're showing up, and we won't be stopped.
The Alberta Prosperity Project will continue to educate, inform and inspire the people of Alberta as to the benefits and merits of Alberta Independence. Now that the Province has, through party policy, given the government a mandate to pull away from the establishment corruption and Federal Governments woke anti-human path the APP must work even harder to educate Albertans as to how we can, together, achieve the goals their voices have so loudly called for.
Today we begin a journey not simply defending ourselves against a socialist nightmare that is the NDP, but we will begin taking action and changing the course of this province towards a Strong, Free, and PROSPEROUS Alberta for ALL!
Christopher Scott
CEO, Alberta Prosperity Project

November 5, 2023

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