Newsom’s Folly

1 year ago

There’s an old joke that’s mostly true.
Question: What do you call a socialist college graduate who sees how much the government takes in taxes from his first paycheck?
Answer: A capitalist.
All it takes is a good dose of reality to turn a starry-eyed idealist into a middle-of-the-road realist. One day you wake up and realize the truth. No matter how much spare change is confiscated, we can never buy the world a Coke. And no matter how many millions in other peoples’ money that Governor Gavin Newsom throws at problems in California, they only fester and grow worse.
Newsom’s rock-solid support on the left is quaking like a porta-potty on the San Andreas fault. The latest leftist to jump “off” the Newsom bandwagon is Young Turks co-host…the not-so-steady progressive Ana Kasparian. On a recent Patrick Bet-David podcast, Kasparian singled out problem after problem in the leftist dystopia of San Francisco. Homelessness, theft, prostitution, drug use, and more…according to Kasparian, these all have one thing in common. Quoting Kasparian, “I guess propping up proven failures is what the Democratic Party excels at these days."
In Kasparian’s view, the Governor shoulders much of the blame. She specifically targeted Newsom’s decriminalization and deregulation which, she says, “have turned San Francisco into a nightmare.” Kasparian blasted the handing out of taxpayer funds to non-profit organizations which distribute free crack pipes on skid row. And she characterized a 4 million dollar P R campaign by local merchants, attempting to rehabilitate the image of downtown San Francisco, as like “putting lipstick on a pig.”
There’s a rumor out there that Gavin Newsom may be planning a run for the White House in 2024 if Joe Biden does not stand for re-election, no matter the reason. But how many of us would be willing to let Gavin Newsom implement his failed, socialist policies on a national stage, transforming America into the “United States of Commie-fornia.”
And now, even some of Gavin Newsom’s most vocal supporters are running the other way.
You know the game is lost when the cheerleaders pack up their pom-poms.!/donation/checkout

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