1 year ago

Since Trump has supposedly been gone, it has been incumbent upon us to learn the truth and in doing so "OBEYING OUR VISION". We know what is right. We know what is wrong and there is certainly something wrong with a country in which 77% of us have no fucking clue about how badly we are being butt fucked! Time to wake up! This 3 and a half minute video hopes to help with just that. Please support TRUTH by going to www.footballvideos.com Get a Trump won hat like the one WDR wears on his show at this link http://www.footballvideos.com/content/buy-trump-won-hat-70 get a Black Tesla Tee Shirt like the one WDR wears on his show by going to this link http://www.footballvideos.com/content/buy-black-tesla-shirt Join The House of SPARX by getting a General membership at this link http://www.footballvideos.com/content/general-membership-house-sparx Get a Bronze Membership at this link http://www.footballvideos.com/content/bronze-membership-house-sparx get a Silver Membership at this link http://www.footballvideos.com/content/silver-membership-house-sparx Get a Gold Membership at this link http://www.footballvideos.com/content/gold-membership-house-sparx Join Truthful Healing at this link http://www.footballvideos.com/content/buy-rife-machine-25000 get some Ivermectin and join the club at this link http://www.footballvideos.com/content/get-ivermectin-gel-form-25-and-get-lifetime-membership-hos or click here to get a bottle of Pine Needle Tea http://www.footballvideos.com/content/buy-1-gallon-wdrs-pine-needle-tea
Please support WDR by going to www.footballvideos.com or emailing wdr1980@yahoo.com

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