Muslim countries refuse to accept Palestinians as refugees - Tim Kennedy

1 year ago


Rabbi Shmuel Reichman:
The “Middle-East Conflict” explained in seconds!

For those who can see past the soundbites on TV, the actual situation in the Middle East is quite fascinating, in the saddest of ways.

The Middle Eastern Muslim countries refuse to accept any of the Palestinians as refugees, which makes Israel look like an “occupation” country.

And the radical Liberals in the West pump out their propaganda to convince their ideologues to buy into this narrative.

Thus, the Palestinians are being held hostage as cannon fodder, by both the Islamic countries and the West, in an attempt to maintain the moral high-ground “on TV,” to create a political hold over Israel.


The answer is actually quite interesting, in a deeply troubling way.

Israel is a problem for the Muslim nations and for the radical left (postmodernist liberals) – each for their own reasons.

(For the Muslims, it’s to control Islamic domination, and for the postmodernists, it’s to control atheistic domination. These fundamentally opposing parties have momentarily teamed up together, hoping to knock out Israel, before they then move on to their next battle: where they’ll try to kill each other.

Remind you of Russia and Germany in World War 2? The “my enemy’s enemy is my friend” model never works out in the end… usually both enemies end up being wiped out by someone “actually good” who doesn’t manipulate others for their own selfish gain… same thing is true in business by the way.)

The only people who are actually occupying and holding the Palestinians as hostages are the Muslim countries (literally) and the radical left postmodernists (reinforcing it with their media monopoly).

Once you visit Israel yourself, you see this firsthand.

And once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

On the ground here in America, the postmodern liberal students just consume what they hear on the news and in the University classroom, and then take to the streets to rally and shout “free Palestine.”

For students who have nothing else to do, it makes them feel morally superior and gives them a sense of meaning in their lives.

If you want to hear someone process this in real-time, just watch this clip.


P.S. I don’t endorse Joe Rogan; but I respect him for the role he plays in the world.

He’s a great disrupter, because he simply asks real questions, is genuine, and goes down whatever rabbit hole the answers take him. (Which is why he ends up with plenty of conspiracy theories.)

He’s a nightmare for the left, because he doesn’t accept any narrative that the media tries to shove down his throat; but he’s also a nightmare for dogmatic religious thinking, because he questions EVERYTHING.

So Joe has found himself as the most popular podcaster in the universe, simply because he has no agenda whatsoever, other than asking real questions and seeing where it takes him.

It’s also why he has the most interesting and diverse “movers and shakers” on his podcast as guests – he’ll speak to anyone about anything.

He’s the most genuine podcast host you’ll ever see.

This clip is from JRE #2055

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