BCA 9mm Side Charging Bufferless AR-15 Rifle Preview

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Blackout Coffee https://www.blackoutcoffee.com?p=rkzwQTFxa 20% off coupon code: 2AEDU
BCA 9mm Side Charging Bufferless AR-15 Rifle https://alnk.to/8tNn0ei
**$465 DIY Bufferless Side Chraging AR-9 Rifle Update**
AR-9 Bufferless right side charging upper https://alnk.to/eDPTROB $214
Instructions on how to convert your AR-9 lower to bufferless avail on the listing via the above link
BCA AR-9 Complete lower https://alnk.to/9IcGp1b $249
You will also need a castle nut wrench https://alnk.to/btmgdc5 $14.99
Assuming you have the wrench and an Glock mag, you can DIY a bufferless 9mm AR for only $465. I recommend the right side charging if you plan to use a folding stock. The charging handle on the left side is getting in the way of my triangle brace being able to fold all the way to the left. You should be able to use any milspec AR-9 lower with this upper. As always it might be a good idea to use the BCA upper and lower in this post to avoid possible variables. But this should work with your current PSA, AERO, etc AR-9 milspec lower (assuming it was built to spec)
Bear Creek Arsenal Black Friday Deals https://alnk.to/b7wJJ1u
BCA .308 AR-10 Rifle Deals
22" https://alnk.to/6bTwdT3 $493
16" https://alnk.to/btmfF95 $574
All .308 ARs https://alnk.to/esV8ldo
6.5 CM ARs https://alnk.to/ge4I9dI
Mags https://alnk.to/dLg6pY6
Blowout Clearance Gear & Readywise Food Deals
Shipping is only $5.99 or free shipping on orders $149+
Ammo Depot is blowing out a bunch of RTAC gear right now https://alnk.to/5uetbDn
Medium range bag https://alnk.to/9T7pI4L $19.99
Sling pack https://alnk.to/h6EtVx1 $9.99
Chest rig https://alnk.to/b7wIzNZ $24.99
500 rounds 9mm with chest rig https://alnk.to/eDPSc94 from $118
And they still have the Readywise food deal in stock as well
**Readywise 60 servings entree bucket long term storage food 25 years** https://alnk.to/3nfiZFa $49.99 This is an insanely cheap price. Kind of a no brainer at this price. (clearance while supplies last) $169 on the Readywise site.
9mm Ammo Deal .23 CPR
https://alnk.to/60YLeTi $229 /1000 .23 CPR
**Free shipping on all orders with A-Zone Rewards** https://alnk.to/dpns9he Use code 2aedu20 to save $20 off a 1 year membership. I bought a membership last year, and received about $903 worth of shipping. I renewed this year and have saved $483 so far.
PSA GF3 AK-47 $699 Plum https://alnk.to/7X363Tz Gray https://alnk.to/87XR2J2 FDE https://alnk.to/3ckDzTi
The Muzzle Brake / Compensator On My GF3 AK-47 At PSA https://alnk.to/4fPbqCT $75
This brake does an excellent job reducing muzzle rise and recoil.
I posted this earlier at OP. Here it is at PSA

Using these links for any purchase at these sites helps the channel = more content & perks. Thank you!

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