11 months ago

The Resplendent Quetzal is an unforgettable sight, with shimmering plumage of metallic blues, greens, and reds. Males also have a crest of bristly golden-green feathers and during breeding season, grow elongated uppertail feathers that form a long, flowing train. This spectacular species belongs to the trogon family, a group of colorful, fruit-eating birds found in the Americas, Asia, and Africa. Other family members include the Golden-headed Quetzal and Haiti's national bird, the Hispaniolan Trogon.

Sacred Symbol

Considered sacred by several Mesoamerican civilizations, the Resplendent Quetzal remains culturally significant to this day. The Resplendent Quetzal likely inspired Quetzalcoatl, the “plumed serpent” god of Mesoamerica. Legend has it that Quetzalcoatl helped create Earth. Rulers and nobility wore headdresses made from this trogon's shining green feathers, which symbolically connected them to the god.

It was considered a crime to kill a quetzal, so the plumes were procured by capturing the bird, plucking its long tail feathers, and setting it free. In several Mesoamerican languages, the term for quetzal can also mean "precious" or "sacred."

The iridescent green tail feathers also symbolized spring plant growth to the Aztecs and Mayans, who viewed the quetzal as the "god of the air" and as a symbol of goodness and light. The Mayans also viewed the quetzal as a symbol of freedom (due to the difficulty of keeping them in captivity) and wealth, as its feathers were used as money. Even today, the currency of Guatemala is called the quetzal.

The Resplendent Quetzal is also the national bird of Guatemala, pictured on the country's flag and coat of arms. It was thought to be the spirit guide of a Mayan prince and hero, Tecún Umán, who fought against the Spanish conquest. According to legend, Tecún Umán was killed as he fought the conquistador Pedro de Alvarado. As Tecún Umán lay dying, a quetzal flew down and landed on his chest, dipping its feathers in the hero's blood. This is supposedly how the bird acquired its red breast and belly feathers

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