Train Operations - Episode 2 "Extra 5058 - Part 2"

1 year ago

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"Extra 5058 Part 2" is the second episode of a new video series. This new series, "Train Operations on Santa Fe's Raton Subdivision", will highlight daily freight train operations over Raton Pass.

The second episode continues the journey of "Extra 5058", as it climbs the steep grades of Raton Pass after leaving Raton New Mexico Eastbound for Trinidad Colorado. The crew must take the loaded freight train over the 3.5% ruling grades of Raton Pass. Most railroads try to never construct any track over 1 - 1.5% on their mainline. Raton's 3.5% ruling grade is the steepest railroad grade in the United States for a Class 1 railroad. The steep climb requires lots of HP, but the grade going down is just as steep and dangerous. Dynamic brakes must be fully functional on all units and train brakes must be working perfectly to safely descend the pass.

The grades of Raton Pass are so treacherous for trains and crew that the Santa Fe Railway enforced a strict speed limit of 15 mph while ascending and descending the pass. Coupled with the speed restrictions within yard limits of Raton and Trinidad and you can see that nothing happens very fast on this dangerous district.

At Trinidad, the freight cars added to Extra 5058 at Raton will be pulled off by local switchers and placed on the proper tracks. All the while, "Extra 5058" must stay out of the way of the high priority daily scheduled freight trains. This can be difficult because sometimes cars have to be left on the mainline during switching operations in Raton and Trinidad, and many times yard switchers must pull out of the yard onto the mainline to complete their switching chores.

After switching chores are complete at Trinidad, Extra 5058 is ready to depart Trinidad. Originally scheduled to return to Raton after dropping off the set-out cars in Trinidad, Extra 5058 instead will continue to La Junta to collect more freight cars.

Be sure to Subscribe so you won't miss future episodes of "Train Operations on Santa Fe's Raton Subdivision" when they are released.

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