1 year ago

Martial Arts are the perfect lesson in how to do boring repetitive things for future benefit.

Perfecting a specific variant of a specific kick by practicing 100,000 times.

Focusing on the very fine details,

Understanding how the slightest twist of the hip or how your toes grip the mat can be the difference between fast and slow.

The amount of endless agonizing painful exercises,

The periods your entire body is stiff as a rock, you can barely walk and head to class anyway.

Most people quit, most people can't take it.

They give themselves an excuse that there must be an easier way,

They tell themselves they never really wanted to be THAT good anyway.

They say their coach is "too hard" and "impossible" to satisfy.

It is just like business.

You are shit at business just like you are shit at martial arts.

You aren't willing to do 10,000 hours of boring repetitive bullshit.

You aren't willing to work when the situation seems hopeless.

You feed yourself unlimited reasons why it isn't possible for you,

You tell yourself no one works THAT hard and that Billionaires exist because we are "special".


You're wrong.

THE REAL WORLD is so successful because it is run like a world-champion-producing fight gym.

It's like real Martial Arts training.

Anyone who is ready to listen to the coach and do whatever "impossible" task is demanded of them.

Anyone who is ready to do thousands of repetitions of the same boring bullshit, over and over.

Anyone who is willing to listen to people who know exactly what they're talking about.

Anyone who understands we don't sell dreams, we only teach the reality of WHAT WORKS.

Becomes great.

A new life-changing success story appears multiple times a day in our system.

It doesn't matter how dumb or lazy you are when you enter.

Like a real Martial Arts gym,

We will beat the laziness and idiocy out of you.

3 more days until the big announcement.

- Tate

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