ASUKA 120% ~BURNING Remixes~ Album Soundtrack - Theme Of Megumi

1 year ago

ASUKA 120% ~BURNING Remixes~ Album Soundtrack - Theme Of Megumi

ASUKA 120% ~BURNING Remixes~ Album Music OST - Theme Of Megumi Suzuki

Theme Of めぐみ

Heres another Remix song from the "ASUKA 120% ~BURNING Remixes~ Album Soundtrack" and this time it's an Arrangement/Remix version of Megumi Suzuki's Stage Theme from the Asuka 120% Games.


BTW,be sure to check out this really cool unique Rom Hack version of the Sega Saturn Version of Asuka 120% Limited: Burning Fest. Limited:P


ASUKA 120% series 25th anniversary arrange album.

All tracks composed by: Keishi Yonao

Vocal: REIKA (Disc 1 Tr.01-06)
Lyrics: Masayuki Kashi (Disc 1 Tr.01), REIKA (Disc 1 Tr.02-06)

Remixed by:
Keishi Yonao: Disc 1 Tr.01-06, Disc 2 Tr.01-24
Hirofumi Murasaki: Disc 1 Tr.07
Raito [Lisa-rec]: Disc 1 Tr.08
Takeshi Abo [MAGES.]: Disc 1 Tr.09
polygon prompt: Disc 1 Tr.10
Shinji Hosoe [SuperSweep]: Disc 1 Tr.11

Disc 1 Tr.07 Artists
Guitar: Kenshin Sugimura

Disc 1 Tr.08 Artists
Guitar: sho (VividCoin)
Mixing: Yoshinori Itoh

="Asuka 120%" Creators=
Game Produce: FamilySoft
Music Composer: Keishi Yonao
Character Illustration: Atsuko Ishida

=CD Production Staff=
Produce & Direction: Atsushi Ohara [SuperSweep]
Vocal Recording Engineer: Junichi Kato [TAB]
Mastering Engineer: Takahiro Eguchi [SuperSweep]
CD Package Design: Aether Design
Supervisor: Shinji Hosoe [SuperSweep]

=Big Thanks to=
Reika Inoue [TAB]
Masatoshi Imaizumi [MAGES.]
All "Asuka 120%" PROJECT STAFF

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